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Suggestion Warp Selector


Active Member

The suggestion is simple: Allow alliance leaders (and those with alliance perms) to add and remove people from your warp to continental and Balak fights.

You know the Warp Selector we already have for Rivina and Reins fights? Yeah, just copy paste it over to continental fights. That’s all. Oh, and add a “/removeplayer (IGN)” command so that people can be punished for teamkilling mid-fight. It’s a pain in the ass to navigate the (very buggy most of the time) /c merc GUI.

This suggestion is entirely dependent on the 40v40 fight cap. I do not believe it is justifiable to add to Conquest by itself. It can only come as an attachment to the main package, the main package being a 40v40 fight cap.

For further reading (justifications and detailed explanations) of my suggestions, I refer you to https://tinyurl.com/Conquest4

Hello Lokans! Welcome to my suggestions on how to change Conquest! This series of 4 posts will discuss ONLY the actual ideas themselves.

The defenses of these ideas, the justifications for their implementation, the rebuttals to potential counterarguments, and more can be found by clicking the link above.
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+1Warp selcting seems like a good thing to implement just like reins Pt 2. Removing double placing would make life more fun so you cant have people leave alliances place on all your tiles at the same time and you cant defend against all and just not a good thing (i agree both)
+1Warp selcting seems like a good thing to implement just like reins Pt 2. Removing double placing would make life more fun so you cant have people leave alliances place on all your tiles at the same time and you cant defend against all and just not a good thing (i agree both)
i think double placing is one of the couple strategic things you can do on loka, it forces both sides to prepare allies in advance and etc... it's one of the things on Loka that i think should stay. lmk if u want a full explanation though
+1Warp selcting seems like a good thing to implement just like reins Pt 2. Removing double placing would make life more fun so you cant have people leave alliances place on all your tiles at the same time and you cant defend against all and just not a good thing (i agree both)
i cannot believe you said it would make life more fun