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Wastia for Sale!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
After some inactivity and the fact I got bored of Ascalon, Wastia is currently for sale. It has full void storage with 30+ Markers, a full war room setup and is level 25 with high level masteries.

The Tile itself is completely flat and is perfect for building, with huge pits and traps outside for your every lore-stealing endeavour.

Yes. It comes with the troll face.

The Brewer is however, FUBAR. The purchasee would have to construct a new one. However the brewery room and its pot mat storage setup is intact.

This town has plenty of history, winning world capital once and hosting a tournament not long ago, It is almost a year old at around the 9 month mark..

The town balance, is at an immense 100k and this means you would never have to put money in the tgen, probably ever again.

So send me offers on discord (hx#0001)

if you didn’t know, its on ascalon.

(I’ll have some more images on the post later when i get some shaders.)


Active Member
As a active and rich member of the lokan community I will be offering my entire balance of 237.821k. If not accepted I will be very angry


Well-Known Member
Community Rep
As an active Garaman Resident, I will be offering Upper Sylvan Builder Passes, 2 Passes available this month. Dm me, 2 highest prices get builder for one day.


Well-Known Member
Lol that would be funny like you voted the dude to represent you and He scams you.. oh wait That sounds similar…(Silivri is cold)
Sorry pasha but im going to send it to cimer...

(Turkish complaint page) cimer