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No Plans to Implement Way Stones


Well-Known Member
sounds like a fat gank cos i can get a tp to someones base by killing them if they r carrying a way stone
Wouldn't that just tp to ur town...

What's the difference from going to spawn and walking straight though? Doesn't seem that important to me tbh


Active Member
-1, sorry sammy but you can just walk foward a bit after using a recall stone xd
I fink what my man means is a town makes a item that can specifically teleport others to the town where it was made, idk tho
Koi is correct. It is more of a way to save people you trust's time instead of making them fly/walk all the way to your town. Obviously you couldn't give them out stacks at a time since that would open you up to the possibility of being raided I think it could be limited in such a way that it could be a fair quality of life addition.


Well-Known Member
I do like the idea of having more recall-stone type items, and this one could be very interesting, especially if someone else were to get their hands on it and go into your town. I think a further discussion might be worth having about this one, but it would most definitely need to be something quite rare.


Well-Known Member
Seeing as how they remove literally every way to raid (mini horses and literally everything else they remvoed >:) I doubt Crypt and Mag are going to accept an item that literally lets people to be tp'd inside a town. I doubt players will as well due to betrayals and if lost it's a big risk for your town.


Well-Known Member
Seeing as how they remove literally every way to raid (mini horses and literally everything else they remvoed >:) I doubt Crypt and Mag are going to accept an item that literally lets people to be tp'd inside a town. I doubt players will as well due to betrayals and if lost it's a big risk for your town.


I think the only way to integrate this is to do it similar to the idea of airships where towns must accept teleports.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
If you are a nomad or part of the town then this serves no purpose, so it's only use is to teleport players from other towns to yours. This is a scary and dangerous thing to do. Airships more or less do the same thing (with the extra step of needing to accept) and these will be integrated into the town progression system in the future when we expand on that system. As a result an item like this seems pretty redundant.