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We Have Received the Gift of Life


Well-Known Member
Each one of us is on this earth because they have received the gift of Life. We have been gifted. But who are we in reality? We have names, but that isn't who we are. It is a label we have been gifted. Our parents gift us the label after we are gifted life. We have bodies, but that isn't really us either. It is your arm, your head, your leg and your body. But who are you? Why do we restrict ourselves to such a basic and materialistic view of the world? We are souls that inhabit the physical world. Most people can only see the material plane. But we are not really part of it. We are souls, spirits that inhabit this physical world. We inhabit our physical bodies, which we use to interact with the material plane. We need to open our eyes. Not our physical ones, the ones your body has, but the ones that you have. Open your eyes and look into the light. Look over the material plane from above. It is only through ascension to the spiritual plane that you can begin to understand the material plane, and it is only through that ascension that you can master the material plane. By achieving true inner peace, a true understanding of what it really is that separates us from the physical world, you can achieve anything.


Most people do not get it. They live in the material plane, and they are stuck in it. Their potential is never truly achieved. They spend hours and hours and hours every day working towards their goals. They force themselves to become part of the physical world. They may achieve their goals, but it is not true achievement. Spending days and months and years mastering your craft not through understanding, but through physically forcing yourself to learn the patterns that define it. That is not true mastery. A true master does not need to shove themselves down into the material world. A true master does not let themselves become a part of it. A true master of his craft does not need the material plane. A true warrior does not need a sword. A true writer does not need a pen. A true video gamer does not need to play video games. A true chef does not need to cook. A true doctor does not need medicine.

A true master is one who views the physical and material plane from above, not from down below.


Well-Known Member
First time?
I have surpassed you. I have surpassed you and I have done it with a fraction of the work you put in down here. You work so hard down in the physical plane because you do not understand. You have been gifted and you waste the gift. You are stuck down here while I only choose to descend to speak with those who are like yourself. I choose to come down here to help you, and you refuse to be helped. I pity you. Open your eyes and look up. You could achieve so much more if you ascend to that greater plane of understanding. With a fraction of the effort, you can achieve an exponentially greater outcome.


Active Member
View attachment 8568
I have surpassed you. I have surpassed you and I have done it with a fraction of the work you put in down here. You work so hard down in the physical plane because you do not understand. You have been gifted and you waste the gift. You are stuck down here while I only choose to descend to speak with those who are like yourself. I choose to come down here to help you, and you refuse to be helped. I pity you. Open your eyes and look up. You could achieve so much more if you ascend to that greater plane of understanding. With a fraction of the effort, you can achieve an exponentially greater outcome.
Queue rn pal.


Well-Known Member
When you derank are we gonna get another manifesto about how ranked is destroying Loka?
Inherently flawed and insulting question. The way you word this makes it seem as if my original post on ganking was written because of me dying at gank isle. That is not the case. I wrote the post out of genuine concern. I do not die while ganking because I never gank to begin with. I do not "derank" either. My rank decays due to how the ranked system works. As a result, I log on every weekend, queue a few times, rank up and then log off. That way, when the server decays me, I stay at the same rank. This weekend was a little different for me as something happened. I lost. It rarely happens but it did, but I then quickly realized losing was exactly what I needed. The loss made me hungry, and thus I overachieved my weekly quota. I ranked up two times instead of once. A true master never loses, because the loss that they endure only makes them stronger and better. It is not a loss whatsoever. That is why I do not lose. That is why I do not derank.