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What do you guys think needs changing?


Staff member
As Loka is preparing for the Big Advertising Push I keep talking about, lots of things are under construction in terms handling how we introduce players to the srever. We've darted around this on a few different threads in different places, but I think we could use a nice discussion on what you guys think Loka is missing, what could be better, what's broken, even what's awesome.

I suppose I'd say start with the one thing you'd thing needs work on Loka and then we can devolve into figuring out what needs the most work from there. Go!
Cryptite said:
As Loka is preparing for the Big Advertising Push I keep talking about, lots of things are under construction in terms handling how we introduce players to the srever. We've darted around this on a few different threads in different places, but I think we could use a nice discussion on what you guys think Loka is missing, what could be better, what's broken, even what's awesome.

I suppose I'd say start with the one thing you'd thing needs work on Loka and then we can devolve into figuring out what needs the most work from there. Go!
I really liked Arts idea of a spawn village. I remember on the previous map, especially in the East, I believe it was these 'rats nests' were everywhere. Torn up houses, the area was just generally unpleasant to look at. Part of having an attractive server is keeping it clean. No one feels like they're REALLY getting stuff done if they're building something awesome on a dirty landscape. I strongly believe this is one thing that will extremely benefit Loka with the new players coming along.
EpicBacon99 said:
I really liked Arts idea of a spawn village.

We're actually already building that, it'll be warped in right around spawn when it's finished.

Perhaps a good starter for this would also be what kind of questions do you see repeatedly asked that we could solve (and are planning to) with some better intro-to-server information?
In spawn town PLEASE make it so there can be little games around it, such as hide and seek, Easter egg hunts and other stuff like that
Cryptite said:
Perhaps a good starter for this would also be what kind of questions do you see repeatedly asked that we could solve (and are planning to) with some better intro-to-server information?

Questions I see asked that we could solve with some better intro-to-server information:

How do I join a town?
How do I make a town?
How do I make a gen?
How do I rank up?
Where can I build?

Cryptite said:
I suppose I'd say start with the one thing you'd thing needs work on Loka and then we can devolve into figuring out what needs the most work from there. Go!

The biggest thing would probably be something that we can't easily change, like how people feel about and treat each other.

One thing I would love to see is more emphasis on new players. Making sure they feel welcome and enjoy playing here. Spawn town is a great example of that. Arenas are a great way of appealing to PvP types, and we could try and appeal to builder types by making spawn town look smokin' hot. If they see some awesome builds they might not go running for the hills at the first mention of SMP.
The way we inform players of our rules needs to change a little bit. They're posted in 3-4 different places and each one has its own wording which is a tad bit confusing. I'd remove everything but the forum post(s) and copy that into a book which can be retrieved with the /rules command.

A tutorial for generator construction including a breakdown of pricing.

A chat sensor to prevent the letter u from sneaking into American words.

An actual introduction to the server. Meaning it is explained to new players how our RP goes, how our PvP works, the danger of hard mode survival, and maybe even a basic introduction to Minecraft for those few players who start their MC careers on Loka.

Defense from Admins class so players can learn how to properly protect themselves and their items from the wild admin.

A statue of me at spawn.

Disclaimers regarding bugs, broken plugins, and anything else that might spare us from liability charges.

Updated wiki pages (yeah I know I'm behind on that too).

More food and wood sources around spawn.

Hitchhiker's Guide to Loka.

Auction house.

Aesthetically pleasing Nether spawn area.

A park so I can walk my dog and horse.
Well, we all know most players stay for a few minutes then leave.

What made us members want to stay on Loka?
Why do players leave most of the time?
What do more players want to see in servers?
What do you think caught their attention and made them want to be here in the first place? What disappointed them?

Also I think the name should look, well, interesting, and creative.
What server do you want to join?


Will your build go down in history?
(Names made up, I'm not advertising.)

I don't know, I think our name,
Loka, the abandoned World,
looks interesting and RP-ish but when people join, they don't normally see RP going on. Also, I think we better find out what the name of this new world is before we do much. I think also, players should feel like they are capable of big things here on our new world, and that they can play a part in history, be remembered, and most of all that anyone can do anything. Like, everyone has a great destiny but its up to them to make it even greater. That they're important.
From what I've heard of the recent happenings, new players aren't feeling identified with Loka, and therefore, most don't stay.
I gather that this is usually because:

a) This isn't the server they're looking for. (Nothing to do here)
b) They get raided, trolled, or manipulated so hard that they just ragequit.
c) Sentries abuse their powers. Being kicked without a warning for caps, is annoying and stupid.

In my opinion, the one thing that needs to change drastically, is the way that new players are introduced to the lokan community (greeted). Don't overwhelm them with information nor ignore them. Regular players tend to ignore newbies out of annoyance, or else they only act when a higher up admin is online.

Raiders should also make a commitment to not raid newbies for a short period of time.

Trolling newbies about Lokan aspects such as town owner brackets and generators should be punishable

All the other aspects that Crypt is adding, such as the messages that explain the bank and stuff, are awesome, but I believe that what is really needed, is the community becoming more open towards newbies.
@Andre, for the most part..the raiders and thieves on this server have agreed to leave Newb towns alone.
Most of the time newbs get raided because they:
1. Join a alreay existing Town that is often raided
2. The Newb starts getting rude or challenges a raider/thief.

Otherwise, leaving newbs alone for a week or two Is already occurring for the most part.

@Zor. Greedy sheep, both Artifact and Loka had statues build of you.

I think new folks should spawn with a Lokan survival manual. In this book we can explain how hard mode works, tricks to avoiding thieves, trolls, and raiders.