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What is your DND Alignment?


Well-Known Member

Picture courtesy of Artagan, circa 2014
From left to right, top to bottom:
Artagan, EpicBacon99, Jedoi
Magpieman, Cryptite, andrekeroxd
Zor, Gudbrandr, Thieflord304/Landoriel

So recently I've been getting a little into dnd and like everything else in my life I began thinking about it to Loka. So I was curious, what are your alignments? This can either be you personally, how you play the game, or your RP character. If you don't know much about it, you can find some information here. And if anyone wants to make an updated chart (since this one is from 2014) I'd love to see it! :>

Also if anyone feels like it, add what dnd class you would be. :):):)
Personally, I'm somewhere between Lawful Good and Neutral Good.

Tee Alduin is between Neutral Good and Chaotic Good

The two D&D characters I've played so far have been Chaotic Good.
- Salgorn Emberwood: Monk (Way of the Four Elements)/Cleric (Life Domain) multiclass Tiefling
- Roan Staisah: Gambler (Homebrew)/Scoundrel (Homebrew) Gestalt-multiclass Half-Elf

Tee would be a mix between a sorcerer and wizard. He has some innate magical powers, but he spends a lot of time reading and discovering new powers (especially relating to fire and alchemy).
Personally I'm Lawful Good.

Jed was Chaotic Good most of her life up until she became a Guardian, then she became more Neutral Good. (Recently she switched back to Chaotic Good though...) She would also be a Druid, I think.
In my D&D games, I always follow either Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral depending on what type of party members I have
Evil_X on Loka hasn't had enough experience as of yet to truly have fleshed-out lore I'd say he's definitely a Chaotic Good character
I beg to differ Artagan is not lawful good. He went around smiting people in the name of prek!

Idk I think I'll just be Chaotic Bald