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When Darkness Returns


Well-Known Member
Would her people ever see the light of the sun again? The dark grey clouds hung in the sky so thickly it seemed as if the world was locked in eternal night. A night without the moon or stars. A night without light. A night without hope.

The only sources of light added to their misery. Trees has become flaming torches, cities were alight and fallen. Even when Lokans were being ripped apart by their greatest threat, they could not stop themselves from destroying each other. The rivers ran with blood.

A figure stood behind a wilting tree, concealed by the darkness. Her violet eyes watched the Artifact carefully, ironically observing he who was known as the Observer. The World-Ender flew around the Artifact, studying the object. His black-purple garb flowed behind him as he moved, red eyes glowing from beneath his hood, a dark grin faintly visible on his face.

Jedoi Avalos has been rooted like the tree she hid behind for hours now. Her curiosity yearned for her to stop hiding and talk to the Observer. For her entire life, she had heard the tales of his terror. How could she let this chance escape her?

Yet her fear was too great. This being had destroyed worlds, taken countless lives, and gained the power of a God. But this wasn't the real Preksak, right? Surely this was just another Artifice.

Before she could go deeper into her thoughts, a voice tore her from them. She turned to see a young Lokan standing courageously before the World-Ender. She recognized him as Thanatos the Nomad.

"You can kill me as many times as you want, but I'll always come back. You can't win." He dared. Jedoi winced at his remark. She turned away in time to avoid seeing the young man stabbed. Immediately, he was repaired.

"That's the best you can do?" He laughed. "And you call yourself a God!"

"Stop!" Jedoi shook her head before racing away from the cover of night. "He didn't mean what he said."

"Yes, I did." Thanatos retorted, surprise at her appearance evident on his face.

Preksak laughed. "You thought you could hide from me? I was wondering when you'd reveal yourself." He stated simply, turning away from the boy and returning his attentions to the Artifact.

Why hasn't I realized that? She thought suddenly, shame building up within her. Nothing could be done, though. This was her chance.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked, aware of the fear quivering in her voice. "Power, revenge, something else..."

"You seem to presume many things. I am here for one purpose. To harvest this world." He replied without a glance at her. His eyes remains locked to the Artifact.

"Maybe he's looking for validation in his sad life!" Thanatos taunted. Jedoi shook her head once more; Preksak ignored him.

A new thought crossed her mind. "Are you aware you are but an artifice?" She inquired. This time Preksak looked down at her. She shivered as his red gaze met here.

He started laughing. "Who told you such a foolish thing?"

"It's common knowledge, of course." Jedoi offered uneasily. Preksak laughed harder, a sound full of malice and hatred and... Regret?

"So you're not dead?" She murmured?

"Tsk tsk, children. You always did believe whatever story was spoon fed to you."

"I heard you were a test tube baby." Thanatos added helpfully. The Observed glared at him before lifting his hand, a small movement that pushed the man off the edge of the Tower. He reappeared as soon as he hit the ground.

"So you ARE alive?" Jedoi marveled, examining him as he floated above them.

"You believe a construct could purge the world of its sunlight?" He boomed, as lighting lit up the sky for added effect.

"Drama queen." Thanatos grumbled.

"We've seen many copies of your form. We didn't say you were not a powerful artifice." She noted.

"I said he wasn't powerful." Thanatos offered insistently. "He's just a weak child with no purpose in life."

"Contingencies do not omit continuity. It takes more than your puny attempts to stop me." He maintained.

"Cryptite himself has defeated you!" Thanatos argued. "You're wrong. We'll always defeat you."

"The same Vanir who ran away with his Warden two days ago." The World-Ender jeered.

"He will defeat you! We will defeat you! You cannot win, Preksak! You're going to die, and die again, and die again, and you will know what it's like to be mortal! Because you are mortal!" The young man declared. As soon as the last word left his mouth, he vanished.

"He was annoying me." Preksak informed her, turning back to the Artifact.

"So you're a god?" Jedoi asked, to which Preksak gave a single malevolent nod. "What type of deity are you?"

"Again, you assume there is a precedent for what I am."

"The stories paint you a mere scientist, jealous of your co-worker." Jedoi explained. "Wouldn't you want to put a stop to that rumor?"

"And I would have assumed your Vanir would have set the story straight." He retorted angrily, meeting her gaze again. "It must be difficult for your 'savior,'" he spat the word, "to take responsibility for making me what I am."

"So it's about Cryptite, not Asymptonic?" She replied curiously.

"Hah! They are both to blame!" Preksak cried. His voice seemed to hold more and more emotion as she went on.

"What did they do to you?" She asked.

"Shared a wealth of power and knowledge only to try to rip it away." He concluded, red eyes glowing brighter with anger.

"Oh, that sounds terrible. Do go on." She invited, feigning sympathy.

"You a curious one for someone about to meet their end." The World-Ender observed. Despite the situation Jedoi almost laughed.

"Might as well die satisfied." She replied cautiously instead.

"The satisfaction of your existence hinders on this?" If Jedoi could see his whole face, she thought his eyebrows would be raised. "Asymptonic and Cryptite have certainly done well, building their legends..."

"You, too, are a legend around here, but from what you've said, it sounds like it's incorrect?"

"Legends are written by mortals with the prospect of passing them instead of living them. Reality is much more grim." The Observer grimaced.

"I see..." She lied. Preksak turned his back to her. He was fastening some sort of device to the Artifact. Jedoi waited for a moment, for fear of angering him, before speaking again again. "What are you up to, my friend?" She shivered as she addressed their sworn enemy as friend.

He swung his head towards her, a grin visible by the red light of his eyes. "You shall see soon enough." He assured her.

"I've heard about other devices you've made in the past. Historically Lokans have found a way around them..." She dared.

"With your Artifact weakened, you have no means to do anything." The World-Ender reminded.

"That may be true... Without the protection of towns, we've begun destroying ourselves.." Jedoi admitted.

He laughed heartily before responding. "It is amazing what a little push can do when I want you to do my job for me."

"So that was your plan all along?" She guessed. Preksak floated downwards, as soon as his feet touched the ground he bowed mockingly.

"Pretty intelligent, I suppose. Hatred runs deep here." Jedoi sighed.

"And this is merely the intermission before the finale." He smirked.

"I fear that day, indeed..."

Preksak returned to the device, carefully moving objects around. Jedoi mentally made a list of his past devices and how they defeated them. Suddenly she remembered...

"Tell me, did you manage to salvage anything from the Accelerator Spire?" Preksak stopped and was silent for a moment. He turned and an angry glare became a gaze of hatred as he stared into her eyes. She felt the fear return to her like a crashing wave.

"Why would I continue to tell you so many things?" He hissed.

"Because you're about to kill us and the knowledge will die alongside me?" She tried.

"Is that is so, what use is the knowledge?" He asked her suspiciously.

"Mere satisfaction, I suppose. The taste of knowledge is so sweet..." She trailed off.

"Then I am afraid you will not get your last meal on this day." He sneered.

The scene before her changed. First it was crystal clear... It had a terrifying, surreal feel, but it felt real. The air transformed into a heavy fog that hung thickly before her. She could only see Preksak and the Artifact against the sudden backdrop of misty white.

For the first time she noticed the sword in the World-Ender's hand. Had it been there before? It resembled King Maegor of Dragonstone's blade. Surely it couldn't be, though? She didn't have much time to analyzed the weapon before Preksak lunged forward. The sword buried itself in Jedoi's chest, a feeling like ice overtook her.

Her heart beat faster and faster, trying to rush blood to her injury. It only poured out of her wound as the Observer pulled back the blade. It dripped with her crimson blood, which fell onto the floor of the Tower. For the first time, she saw his true face. From here, his eyes no longer glowed red. He looked... Human.

And then she was falling. The familiar sensation of dying, being repaired by the Artifact, and brought back to life. But she kept falling... Kept falling... Deeper and deeper... Where was the Artifact? Why wouldn't it s-

Jedoi woke up with a gasp. It was strangely silent in her room. The wolf by her side lifted her head to look at curiously. She breathed deeply, trying to calm her racing heart. She watched as the snow danced outside her window, calming her until she could sit up. Apricity curled around her back and laid back down.

Why had that memory become a nightmare? She hadn't thought about it in forever. Strange. She thought.

Jedoi wasn't about to fall back asleep, so she left her house followed by Entelechy and a sleepy Apricity. She walked along the roads of Auru, reminding herself that the last part of her dream wasn't real... It was only a nightmare...


The sun rose over the cold stone walls not long after Jedoi woke up. The city began to move as soon as sunlight spilled into the windows of the town. The Guardian was looking down at Entelechy as she walked straight into someone.

"Sorry!" She exclaimed, eyes darting up to meet Xovious, Auru's General. Someone walked beside him.

"It's alright, Jed." He replied with a smile. "Welcome the newest Aurulian." He stated, nodding to his companion. The man was tall, with black hair and purple eyes. He had hardly changed through the years. "His name is-"

"Thanatos..." She interrupted quietly. Xovious looked at her in surprise.

"You know him?" He asked, glancing at the man.

"Yes." Thanatos and Jedoi said at the same time. They looked at each other for a minute.

"Really? 'Drama Queen?' That's the best you could come up with?" She asked him. They both started laughing. Xovious stared at them.

"He summoned lightning just to look scary." He said, grinning.

"Hey, you were right." Jedoi exclaimed. "We defeated him."

Thanatos beamed. "I knew we would."

"What are you talking about?" Xovious asked. Jedoi and Thanatos just laughed.


Why had he returned the night Jedoi dreamt of him? What if the other person who featured in her nightmare returned? The thought made the woman uneasy. She had consulted other Guardians, but everyone thought they were safe here. But what if they weren't?

Jedoi stood from the desk in the Aurulian Historian's Guild. A parchment filled with black words stared back at her. She read over once more her words as they dried.


There was a day darkness returned
Evil, vice, and malice burned
Flattened the mountains, crippled the trees
Darkened the skies, swallowed the seas

The rain poured, and thunder shook
The people silenced by a single look
Afraid, yet they rose up to fight
Determined to return the light

The people's will, triumphant once more
Forced him back, shut the door
Their victory was not without cost
It was their world, their home they lost.

Defeated, the darkness could only rout
The courage of Lokans, you cannot doubt
For evil, vice, and malice will burn
On the day that darkness does return
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