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Why can others not in your town show up into your neutral fights!?!


Well-Known Member
Community Rep
I really think this feature is really dumb, how someone can enter your neutral fight, and just kill you when you warp. It ruins the fun of it, and I just don't understand why this happens. Like Smi showing up to my ice taiga neutral fight and killing us as soon as we warp.

(It seems unfair how someone outside of your town/alliance can make you lose an attack)
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Well-Known Member
(It seems unfair how someone outside of your town/alliance can make you lose an attack)
As opposed to someone in your town/alliance making you lose an attack?

You don't lose any strength from losing a neutral fight, you just don't gain anything out of it. Being able to interact with another person's neutral claim is actually very important or else you could cut off an enemy from expanding fully unopposed (until they later set up an inhib but still).

You have your own bonus of the enemy not knowing you're doing it at all besides the announcement as the attack begins or if they end up checking out the map for possible attacks that are about to happen. Also you can warp back, they have to run back. Don't try to get land or own land if you can't defend/claim it if enemies show up. Diplomacy is key in these cases, I suggest you involve yourself with finding out why they're stopping you and seeing if you can come to an agreement.

Welcome to Loka, Go Forth!


Well-Known Member
It seems like the only reason you consider it unfair is because you lack the capacity to protect yourself. Feel free to show up to Silverhand's next neutral.