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Implemented "Woodland Henge" Duels Map


Well-Known Member
I'm writing this post to voice some criticisms that I, and many others that I've spoken to, have of one of the new duels maps. The map is called "Woodland Henge", built by Thanius and Aggressive_Gibon. For those unfamiliar with map names, it looks like this:


Now, with all respect to the build team, it is definitely one of the best looking maps. However, unfortunately, it is arguably the least enjoyable to play on. It is a small and crowded map, causing very awkward PvP interactions. There are many bulky obstacles throughout the battlefield, including pillars, bushes, and a bridge in the centre. Whilst obstacles can definitely improve arenas, in my opinion it is too excessive. The size is also an issue, often proving annoying during fights.

I am suggesting that the build team revisit this map, possibly reworking and rethinking some aspects. It does look great, and has a good theme, I just think that it could use some improvement to bring it to the level of the other maps we know and love.



Well-Known Member
removing the bushes in the middle would probably help a lot

maybe some of the leaves around the pillars too?


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Feedback on arenas is much appreciated. They are one of the hardest things build due to them needing to be both practical and pretty. The balance of open areas and obstacles is a tough one to get right, and I agree this is the most cramped arena we have.

Will have a look at editing the map, because as you say it is a good looking one. The main takeaway I think is increasing the size and reducing the number leaves/bushes.

Next season and in the future we will likely add more arenas to the roster, so please keep the feedback coming with what you do and don't like about arenas new and old.


I agree. Although the decorations are pretty, this map also causes my frames to drop like crazy, and I'm sure others with lower frames may experience this too. Not the best for PvP.


I would disagree with this. I think one of the best parts of arenas is we use it to train for conquest fights. Last night (8/11/17) I had a conquest fight in the jungle, in which the aspects of this map were greatly exaggerated, and I thought it was, in many ways, nearly exactly like this map. This map trains you to have to fight around a multitude of obsticales, and a semi hilly terrain.
Based on the several Rivina tiles that involve insane amounts of jungle style combat, I think this map helps train for it. It may help to remove some of the shrubbery to provide for better combat, but all around I think the map trains you for what you can expect in fights on Rivina, or other hilly terrain maps.
Maybe you could add an option to choose what map you duel in when you challenge someone with /duel? That way the right maps could be used for the right training (like how jmeat said it was good for getting used to Jungle pvp, but while others who don't have this have to deal with the arena anyways)