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Yesterday's Mid-fight Crash


Staff member
Wanted to breakdown what happened yesterday so that everybody's in the loop as to what happened. It's not complicated, but I feel it's worth informing everyone whenever these kinds of things happen so that you can know officially what happened, and what we plan to do about it.
  • Roughly 20m prior to the end of the fight on Balak, the server started hiccuping heavily, eventually booting everybody off and leading to a required restart. The source of the lag was an intrepid Nomad player who had built a modest, but effective redstone "Doomsday" device (or MrP ddos'd us)
  • Effectively the device can trip up a server if used heavily and take it offline at some point.
  • We decided to terminate the fight since, at the time, it wasn't apparent what was causing the lag and there was no way to 1) Fix the problem immediately or 2) ensure the fight's successful finish.
  • After some investigation, we discovered the machine and were able to determine the player that built it and immediately banned them and their alt.
  • As of now, safeguards are in place to both prevent and notify admins immediately if any similar lag machines are activated and should hopefully serve to ensure that this kind of thing can't happen again.
In the future we mean to beef up fight saves so that if the server does ever need to be rebooted, we can manually resume the fight with everything as it was (time remaining, lamps at their proper health). This is something we'll work on soon.

While it does suck that the fight had to be terminated, the silver lining of this event is that it's just one more security/stability hole that has been patched, which leads to a more stable and healthy Loka for the future.

Go Forth!


Active Member
@Cryptite Have you worked out a way to make it fair for everyone who has come back online after the reboot if something like this were to happen again?


Staff member
I think the best way to do it is to basically pause the fight after restart. Wait until everyone's logged on mostly ready to go, and then we can resume the fight manually, rather than have it just be online as soon as the server comes back up.

Then once we hit go, maybe the fight will start in 2 minutes from that point or so