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Yo_Ima_Orange / OjOrangeJuice's perma IP-ban appeal.


New Member
Hello, Loka staff and players, I was perma IP-banned many months ago, I can't remember how many ago at this moment but it was for proceeding to spam in chat until I was banned, I spammed vulgar things and advertised, I was doing this because I felt I would never want to play the server again, I wanted to quit, I thought that getting myself banned would garentee that I'd never be able to come back. You have a very unique server and rare because of your 1.9 pvp style, I thought I would be able to find a better server, well, I was wrong, I have recently been playing on one server and I have been thinking back on some memories from Loka, it was very fun, I deeply regret and I apologize for my actions, I would be honored to play on Loka once again, it is fun, and I love the community and that certain serious respectful aspect you get while playing Loka, I am a 1.9 pvper and I hardly find good 1.9 pvp servers like yours, I hope you take my words into consideration, thank you for your time.




Old One
Staff member
Old One
After discussing your appeal with the admins we have decided to lift your ban. However, you will be on a warning so please make sure you follow our rules as breaking them will result in a re-ban. (in-game command /rules) I hope you enjoy your time on Loka. Good luck.