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youngmoneyskyrta unmute appeal

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I want to apologize to Cthan for calling his mother lesbian, I don't remember exactly what I said but I think it was "Cthan momma gay". I really do apologize if this offended you and if it makes you feel any better my auntie is lesbian. I don't know what else to say without sounding weird but if Cthan has any questions he can ask me. I would also like to apologize to Glory and WonderNut for being toxic to them, I wanted attention and the only way I knew how to get attention was by trash talking. It doesn't even give me attention or "known" or whatever I was aiming for it just makes me look like a spoilt douche who gets mad when he dies in a block lego game. I have changed since then and I don't trash talk unless someone trash talks me. I wont trash talk if they are saying like "u suck lol". I would trash talk someone if I see they are trying to hurt someone's feelings. I used trash talking on discord servers and LokaMC as a coping mechanism which didn't work and just made me more mad. I'm also sorry if I made glory and others feel insecure about their body or making them feel weak by 'mogging' them, none of them videos were actually me they were all my friends who could lift extremely heavy weights at a young age, or by calling WonderNut 'fattest kid on loka' which I'm sure he isn't. I cringe thinking back on how cringe I was to others, I really thought I was cool pretending to be someone I wasn't. I hope everyone forgives me for being so toxic and cringe to people who didn't deserve it.


Active Member
-1 you copy pasted your last appeal and that shows no interest, I fully expect you to be as toxic as before ( you were toxic to everyone without any reason at all ) if you get this chance.


-1 you copy pasted your last appeal and that shows no interest, I fully expect you to be as toxic as before ( you were toxic to everyone without any reason at all ) if you get this chance.
.. I didn't copy and paste it, ofc it's gonna sound similar since it's an unmute appeal, the reason it got declined was cause I put a screenshot up of me beside a Minecraft willy. I don't even remember talking to you and you seem really toxic so idk why you are being a hypocrite. You always got a problem with people you don't know, spend your time better bro. I also wasn't toxic to anyone for no reason. You don't know what your talking about.


Active Member
.. I didn't copy and paste it, ofc it's gonna sound similar since it's an unmute appeal, the reason it got declined was cause I put a screenshot up of me beside a Minecraft willy. I don't even remember talking to you and you seem really toxic so idk why you are being a hypocrite. You always got a problem with people you don't know, spend your time better bro. I also wasn't toxic to anyone for no reason. You don't know what your talking about.
its legit the same appeal word by word, I dont have any problem with anyone I am just giving my opinion on appeals, I am not a hypocrite either.


its legit the same appeal word by word, I dont have any problem with anyone I am just giving my opinion on appeals, I am not a hypocrite either
What else am I going to write for an unmute appeal, the reason it got shut down cause there was a screenshot of me beside a Minecraft willy


Old One
Staff member
Old One
I don't trash talk unless someone trash talks me.
This is not a great attitude to have.

We will be rejecting this appeal, it has not been long enough since your last appeal which was locked due to you posting inappropriate images, turning the appeal into a meme. You also failed to bring this up/explain yourself in this appeal.
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