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Implement in Future Zone Suggestions


Well-Known Member
After having a bunch of UHC kids in my town who know nothing but break holes and blow up storage, I'm making this suggestion again.
  • Pick and choose what perms you give to a member level (eg: disallow breaking blocks, allow pearling, allow interacting, disallow TNT)
  • Group zones (eg: all level 2 vaults will receive the same perm edits but remain separate zones) Think Folders
  • Combine zones (eg: zoning a circular building as a single circle zone, made of combined rectangular zones) essentially merging zones
  • Set a zone as unalterable, players can place and break blocks that THEY have placed, but are unable to change the originally zoned blocks. place a shulker, can pick it up without breaking the war room.
Overall, this would prevent town betrayals ten-fold and allow town owners to focus on teaching their new players instead of feathering everything.


Active Member
100% agree with the 3rd and 4th option, as a town owner of a fairly large amount of people I hate having to go around and feathering things left and right.