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Suggestion Zyre Suggestions


Active Member
1. Add Higher extraction point timers ex instead of 10 minutes its 15 minutes its honestly just annoying if its the last 1-2 minutes and the boat isn't there it you simply wont make it

2. Add food to be refunded like pots and pearls

3.a way to bring people to Zyre such as a maybe a king of the hill or such for each place which rewards a title or achievement?


Well-Known Member
3.a way to bring people to Zyre such as a maybe a king of the hill or such for each place which rewards a title or achievement?
I very much feel that this is the next natural step for GI. When we were talking about ideas and how it should function we totally had stuff like this come up.

Any variation of game mode suggestions or reasons to force players near eachother for a physical reason is really great imo. Loved the idea of a party to territory system too. Just quick optional activation minigames are great imo, more powerups too.


Active Member
I am really liking the title idea, not really a fan of the achievements. As people will just get the achievement, and not come back, which nullifies the idea of the achievement.

Maybe a weekly competition, and you get a title for winning that weeks.
Yeah thinking about it that way maybe just a minor reward like a powerup as koi said