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GrubyGibby unban appeal


New Member
Dear Lokans,
I am writing to appeal my ban that was issued six months ago due to harassment and racism. The reason behind it was sending a message to one of the players that insulted his nationality, for which I would like to apologize to him and to anyone else whom my words may have offended. At that time, I was behaving very immaturely and failed to see anything wrong with my words. However, with time, I realized that my actions could have hurt part of the community on Loka. During my ban period, I have been trying to demonstrate to people that I have matured and do not behave in the same way as I did while playing on the server.If anyone feels offended by my words, I sincerely apologize, and I can assure you that such situations will never happend again. I would also like to apologize to the server administration for the trouble I caused during my time playing on the server. I am requesting another chance to be a part of the Loka community so that I can continue playing with my friends on my favorite server.
Best regards,


Active Member