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Piruletaas for Guardian

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Well-Known Member
Age: 20.

Current rank: Sentry.

Which rank you are applying for: Guardian.

What you think is expected of this rank: A Guardian must be a mature person able to deal with any problem and player on the server. Someone known and trusted by the community who has to be there as soon as a player needs and open for any questions or doubts about Loka. Not to mention rules, they must enforce them using their permissions to avoid alts, dupes and all that could harm the server.

Why you think you should become this rank: I have been an active player since I joined Loka, gaining a lot of experience during this 3 years and helped as many people as I could on the server being kind and polite. This and some players motivated me to run for LCR and months later to Sentry what made me grow and mature as a person. Also most of you know I am Spanish what made me join Loka Translation Team to make new players experience easier. I remember helping testing new updates for possible bugs or dupes reporting them before they get into the community.Another good point I’ve mentioned in past applications is being from European Time Zone because the community keeps growing and there are more and more players from Asia and Europe with no staff active during these time zones.Now I am ready for a new step, Guardian, to continue helping with tickets, accelerate town betrayals, resolve reports even if some admins cannot continue with them, enforce the rules and keep Loka on the right way. For this and much more I am applying today.

When you started playing on the server: December 07, 2020.

Time zone: CET (Central European Time)

How often do you play (hours a day/week): 5/6 hours a day, depends on university and work. Always on Discord.

For any questions my dms are opened. Discord: piruletaas

-Att: Piruletaas
Larry cash runs and scams someone: demoted, then banned for hacking

Pirulatees cash runs and scams someone: doesn’t get demoted -> does it multiple times -> isn’t demoted -> literally hacks -> isn’t demoted -> applies for guardian

Truly one of the loka raised children off all time


Well-Known Member
In all seriousness this guy is the best LCR he represents more loka players in how he acts with scamming & cheating then any LCR could dream of loool


Well-Known Member
it must be a blue moon because for once, i actually agree with you lmao

i can only see giving admin privileges to them ending in some form of disaster, so -1, if they do get it though, they're welcome to prove us wrong.
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Active Member

Piruletaas is a decent person who's skilled at his job, but I'm hesitant to see him as a guardian. It's troubling that he's been involved in scamming and cash running, hurting multiple people. Being a guardian is about trust and integrity, and Piruletaas's actions cast doubt on whether he can uphold these values. It's important for someone in that role to be honest and reliable, and considering his past, it's hard to believe he can fulfill those responsibilities.
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