Loka Forums

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  1. Deevil

    Asgard Museum

    Welcome to ASGARD Museum Hello guys, I make this forum to show you all the museum that I built in Asgard, I have been collecting all these heads for many months with the idea of making a museum or something, and now after so much time, I have finally made the museum. @McDanky did the build...
  2. Mr_Void99

    The Toraston Museum News

    Hello My Friends Void here Today I would like to reveal that Toraston has been building a museum for the heads of many famous Loka players! The Museum is located in Toraston but will have a public entrance leading outside the wall. Anybody is welcome! The public doors are always open but do not...
  3. Steve5729

    Name Plaques.

    So I think that when the Museum gets finished every player that helped build it should get their name on a plaque on a side room or wall or something like they do with real museums. I understand if this isn't possible I just like the idea.