Loka Forums

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  1. Reiwa1

    Reiwa PvE Developer Application

    Age:15 Current rank:Guardian Which role you are applying for: PvE Developer Why you think you should become this role: been playing this server for a long time, made many suggestions either on the forum and discord, always tried Loka Develop more, and I believe with this role I could help Loka...
  2. Reiwa1

    Implement in Future A command to view biome-resources

    It's pretty self-explanatory with the title, for most of the time you need to check which resources are there on the wiki page. Especially if you are in a continent that is separated by many alliance/biome-controlling towns, but sometimes it's a pain to find them going all through Discord to...
  3. Reiwa1

    Reiwa1 For Guardian

    Age:15 Current rank: Sentry Which rank you are applying for: Guardian What you think is expected of this rank?: The Guardians are the staff team of the loka and carry a big responsibility, they should be helpful, respectful, and tolerant, a Guardian must be active in the community, with a...