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Reiwa PvE Developer Application

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Well-Known Member
Current rank:Guardian
Which role you are applying for: PvE Developer
Why you think you should become this role: been playing this server for a long time, made many suggestions either on the forum and discord, always tried Loka Develop more, and I believe with this role I could help Loka develop even more!
When you started playing on the server: 01/03/2021
Time zone:GMT +3
How often do you play (hours a day/week):
+2hr a day, based on the day
Favourite NPC on Loka: Zevran
Example of a quest you would write if you were accepted: I'd like to go with more permanent quests, I believe there are not many quests other than temporary ones. And permanent quests have more impact on overall Loka (firestone quest for example), Completing these questlines will give you prizes that significantly will improve the quality of your playtime. Maybe more soulbound items :duck:


Well-Known Member
What we need is more active PvE imo, and Reiwa certainly proves himself active in the Dev Discord and Ticket Discord. +1


Well-Known Member
Current rank:Guardian
Which role you are applying for: PvE Developer
Why you think you should become this role: been playing this server for a long time, made many suggestions either on the forum and discord, always tried Loka Develop more, and I believe with this role I could help Loka develop even more!
When you started playing on the server: 01/03/2021
Time zone:GMT +3
How often do you play (hours a day/week):
+2hr a day, based on the day
Favourite NPC on Loka: Zevran
Example of a quest you would write if you were accepted: I'd like to go with more permanent quests, I believe there are not many quests other than temporary ones. And permanent quests have more impact on overall Loka (firestone quest for example), Completing these questlines will give you prizes that significantly will improve the quality of your playtime. Maybe more soulbound items :duck:
How have you been 15 for a year and a half


Active Member
and what about it? Age got nothing to do with this lol, maybe he just typed wrong or didn’t want anyone to know his real age. And if you say "age matters!!" I believe foxy was 14 when he applied for sentry.


Well-Known Member
What message is that exactly from anyway Lampp_?

Read the disclaimer in the first message.


Well-Known Member
and what about it? Age got nothing to do with this lol, maybe he just typed wrong or didn’t want anyone to know his real age. And if you say "age matters!!" I believe foxy was 14 when he applied for sentry.
I was barely 15 when I got Guardian. @Lampp_ I don't see a problem with Reiwa being almost 16, already being a Guardian, and applying for PVE Developer... Even if he did up his age I don't fault him for that given this is an online community.


New Member
Yaş: 15
Mevcut rütbe: Muhafız
Hangi role başvurduğunuz: PvE Geliştiricisi
Neden bu rolde olmanız gerektiğini düşünüyorsunuz: Bu sunucuyu uzun süredir oynuyorum, forumda ve discord'da birçok öneride bulundum, her zaman Loka Develop'u daha fazla denedim ve bu rolle Loka'nın daha da gelişmesine yardımcı olabileceğime inanıyorum!
Sunucuda oynamaya başladığınız tarih: 01/03/2021
Saat dilimi: GMT +3
Ne sıklıkla oynuyorsunuz (günde/haftada saat):
güne bağlı olarak günde +2 saat
Loka'daki favori NPC: Zevran
Kabul edilirseniz yazacağınız görev örneği: Daha kalıcı görevlerle gitmek isterim, geçici görevler dışında pek fazla görev olmadığına inanıyorum. Kalıcı görevlerin genel Loka üzerinde daha fazla etkisi vardır (örneğin ateş taşı görevi). Bu görev dizisini tamamlamak size oyun sürenizin kalitesini önemli ölçüde artıracak ödüller verecektir. Belki daha fazla ruha bağlı öğeler:ördek:
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