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1.3: Server Textures


Apparently in 1.3 we can have a 'recommended server texture pack', so we can use a prettier texture pack for the server, and everyone will automatically be asked if they want it and can download it straight from the server. So I'm wondering if we will have one, and if so, which texture pack?
The most important thing in my view is that all blocks are similar to the original minecraft texture (nothing too crazy). Back in the day i used Gerudoku pack then stopped using textures due to all the updates but recently found a really nice take on the original minecraft texture and makes the whole game look much nicer without much change. My vote therefore has to go to this pack that i use called traditional beauty.

http://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_ ... al-beauty/

Also would it be possible to somehow force players to use the server texture as this would finally put an end to texture x-raying.

I would also say that as we are aiming for a mainly vanilla experience, using the default texture would also work and i would support that.
We could always design our own pack to fit the server theme... whatever that may be.
I'm torn on the vanilla look idea. While I agree that we're trying to be vanilla (even though we really aren't anymore; the only thing vanilla about this entire server is the lack of chest protection), I personally have much more fun in the game with texture packs that are sometimes wildly different than the default texturepack (which I abhor, btw). That pack you linked is pretty nice though mag.

I'd be ok with forcing the texture pack, but I'll tell you that will really ward off a lot of people (legit players, not xrayers). People like to be able customize what they're looking at when they play (hence why I play with dokucraft and/or crazy shaders all the time).
I've tried so many other texture packs that people have said 'wowz you haz to trie this' and I've never stuck with them, defaults has been the only one that captured the awesomeness of all things for me.

On another note, crypt your shaders thing you use looks nice though.
Well my shaders thing isn't a texture pack, it's a full on minecraft.jar customization, so there's no way (nor should there be) to force it as it takes a beastly machine to run properly. I still think it's nice for wiki screenshots though.
I sometimes use texture packs and I would strongly encourage something very close to the default. Something like dokucraft wouldn't be a bad idea, but personally I don't think we should force any texture packs and just leave it to people to decide as we have always done.
I understand forcing a texture pack on people would limit our player base but we have always been a relatively small community and the huge influx of players we have currently been experiencing does exceed what we can realistically handle. Therefore the huge advantages of forcing a texture pack and stopping xraying (almost all xrayers use textures not a mod) which is our biggest problem far outweighs the negative of losing some players along the way. This would make the server experience so much better for all.

With regards to which texture pack if we are going for a more default look it has to be the pack "traditional beauty" however if we choose to go with something a little bit different some form of "dokucraft" would be best. I dont think we should even consider any radically different textures.
Magpieman said:
The most important thing in my view is that all blocks are similar to the original minecraft texture (nothing too crazy). Back in the day i used Gerudoku pack then stopped using textures due to all the updates but recently found a really nice take on the original minecraft texture and makes the whole game look much nicer without much change. My vote therefore has to go to this pack that i use called traditional beauty.

http://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_ ... al-beauty/

Also would it be possible to somehow force players to use the server texture as this would finally put an end to texture x-raying.

I would also say that as we are aiming for a mainly vanilla experience, using the default texture would also work and i would support that.

That texture pack I like but wouldn't use. Not everyone's computer can handle 64x texture packs.
Traditional beauty doesn't really look any different to the default. Also it's 64x64 which is far too detailed. I strongly recommend we stick to default. Or find a lower resolution traditional beauty.
We can easily use a lower resolution thats not a problem. Also i know the pack doesn't look any different at first but when you use it you really notice the difference, glass is especially nicer.
As much as I'm always going to use default, it seem like a nice idea to me that we use the feature to recommend a low-res similar texture pack to people that we can all get along with :D
Looks great, what I'd say is recommend not force. I for sure will use the texture packs, but people who have used default for ever like mop might want to stick with default.
id still play loka but i would greatly miss the texture pack im using right now. yes me and joce both have mcpatchers and everything so our prob wouldnt be the resoution if you end up switching packs. i just know i do not like dokucraft and for some reason it does not like my mac at all and dosnt work. so on the mac side of things maybe the mac users would have a problem. like honsetly your pack crypt does not work at all. i personally use this one. http://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/sphax-purebdcraft-46664/

I loves this so much since the day i got it. glass is awesome in it and i will never go back.
now that i put in my 2 cents... thank you.
Agreed. At the end of the day, some people will always want to use their own texture packs. I enjoyed sphax too, it's a good one. I think my issue is having played with dokucraft for so long, then switching to sphax, I couldn't figure out what any of my items were anymore :P
I own the same mac as you scoot so compatibility wont be a problem. I do like sphax but seems to cause a lot of lag for me which is why if we did anything we would need a low res texturepack.
aww well. sad that it causes you lag. my comp is perfectly unlagful with it. i just dont know why doku dosnt work with my comp at all. like at all. so idk about that. i would give it it a try honestly but.... yea