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1.7 Coming Soon


Staff member
Preparations are underway for the 1.7 update. Unfortunately I'm very slammed at work right now, but I'll try to sneak in some work here and there.

Due to my busyness and whatnot, the 1.7 'event' won't have any real 'acting' probably going on and will likely be moreso powered by you, the players. You'll be left to your own devices to make what you will of the circumstances of the lore surrounding the event.

As always, keep checking back for updates.

Very excited, cant wait to start building once more!

Thank you for all your hard work Cryptite! You rock!
Will our inventories come over with us, like say I bring some saplings and bones will they disappear.
Lazuli73 said:
Will our inventories come over with us, like say I bring some saplings and bones will they disappear.

Inventories come with, nothing is being wiped upon the transition. After a month or so the old world will be deleted but by then everybody and their towns should be moved.
Fun fact: If you yell "I'm so excited because bucket is updating and the world is going to end for the second time!" while talking to your friend, people will look at you like you're an idiot. Just so you know...
I know that it is spelled bukkit. But people who don't play Minecraft don't. I'm telling you what they hear.
Shooting for probably middle of the day Saturday. I'm can't give an exact time as I'll probably wake up Saturday morning and finish up what's left of the transition work.
JocelynReed said:
Ummm wow that is soon....k.

Both fortunately toy and unfortunately: I will be gone for 2 weeks on a Hawaiian vacation, yeah :D , but I will miss the world transfer and the RP, :( . I want to go on vacation but I also want to be apart of the RP and explore the new 1.7 Loka.

It's a good and bad day to be a geek and photographer.
Saterday.....that's soon. I'm really exicted for the event, even if we have no glue what's going on. If I can get my rally irritable screen recorder to work I will try to record it....though YouTube only lets me upload fifteen minute or shorter videos.... If anyone knows how to make YouTube Not do that...that would be elpful info.
Btw, I'm on my iPad, so sorry for spelling arrows and stupid auto correct.
MinecraftJedi127 said:
Saterday.....that's soon. I'm really exicted for the event, even if we have no glue what's going on. If I can get my rally irritable screen recorder to work I will try to record it....though YouTube only lets me upload fifteen minute or shorter videos.... If anyone knows how to make YouTube Not do that...that would be elpful info.
Btw, I'm on my iPad, so sorry for spelling arrows and stupid auto correct.

The iPads spell check does suck, I feel your pain as I use mine for Loka forums too. Once it changed "check" to "cheese".