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1Mercyreal Unban Appeal

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New Member
Reason for ban: Hacking
Hello Lokamc, my name is 1Mercyreal

First of all I want to
Apologise to the people I used hacks against, I feel stupid for using Cheats This was highly irresponsible of me, and I completely understand that this violates the rules of the server, I was thinking it's a way for me to be better at the same but I just ruined it for others
It's been 8 months and I feel like it's long enough for the people of loka to see that I have changed and I don't use hacks anymore I just want a second chance to play loka,

I highly appreciate your time for reading this, and would respect any decision made on your behalf.


Active Member
+1 I have been talking alot with mercyreal recently and playing with him on practice servers, He wasnt using any cheats and he is a very funny and nice guy he deserves a second chance


New Member
+1 played with him this 8 months, his behavior and the attitude towards cheaters has become completely different


Well-Known Member
-1 you were one of the most blatant cheaters to touch this server and the fact you lasted so long says alot about the evil hacker community we have here on loka i dont trust hackers like you because you are a weak person who needs to hack on minecraft to feel any self worth sorry -1 you are a hacker


Well-Known Member
-1 if you are willing to cheat in ranked you were probably cheating everywhere else on loka + blatant


+1 mercyreal really nice guy friend of krostie both of them are nice guys i have been speaking with them for abit now they are really chill and i think he regret his actions
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