That "another average of 60 actives who warp everyday" will have the same access to pvp as before. Why is that? If you read my recommended Balak Changes to accompany this, it clearly states: 3 Continent Attacks, 5 Continent Defenses. 3 Balak Attacks, 5 Balak Defenses.
I am strongly against implementing a fight cap on Balak for a number of reasons. The primary reason I'd have to say is: the recruitment wars still need to exist in some capacity, so that a constant stream of new players is flowing into the server. They will be brought in for Balak, they will be converted into "Actual Loka players" when they warp for Continent.
"this idea simply does not work with an alliance that can still warp 100 any day of the week" HL and Bank Robbers will mutually disband and split off into smaller alliances if this update is implemented. I've already put it on the table in Western Union discord that if this is implemented, I will take one for the team and move my recruits to Kalros so that there's guaranteed pvp on all 3 main continents.
"it's not something loka would want that kills a part of there playerbase" We will have to agree to disagree, because one of my central premises is that this update would not reduce the amount of new players flowing in, while at the same time, increasing the player conversion rate (defined as the amount of people introduced to Loka via mass recruitment that end up becoming "Actual Loka players"). If you believe my proposed changes would kill the server and shrink the playerbase, I do not know how to convince you otherwise assuming you've already read my entire paper.
I'd need somebody to convince me that the new player experience would be substantially worse after the implementation of my proposed changes in order for me to believe that my proposed changes would actually shrink the playerbase. If somebody could convince me of that, then I'd retract all of my posts and arguments, because there's no point advocating for changes that would kill the server or make the new player experience worse.