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98d_ for Sentry!


Age: 16

Current rank: Slicer

Which rank you are applying for: Sentry

What you think is expected of this rank:

If you had to put it in the most simple way possible, a Sentry supports the guardians by moderating public chats and helping out the new peeps. As a sentry you can see both sides of an argument and walk into a situation with a clear mind, you need to represent Loka as someone without bias and be ready at all times to dissolve a situation/argument. At the same time, you can't act as a cold heartless rule stickler and should be able to be friendly and easily approachable. You should know the mechanics of Loka and have a good understanding of the world that is Loka with knowledge from all corners of the world.

Why you think you should become this rank:
I've been on Loka for almost three years and have dedicated lots of time to the server which gave me a deep understanding of the rules and the community which the server holds. I would like to become a part of the Loka staff to help them moderate the server especially becouse nowdays many people are starting to play the server and and they don't understand or know how the server works and the rules it has.

When you started playing on the server: May 28, 2021

Time zone: GMT +2

How often do you play (hours a day/week): Weekdays usually 2 hours and on weekends something between 4 to 8 hours

Discord tag: nainti (I'm more active on discord)


Well-Known Member
+1 Nainti has been my friend for many years, and has helped as much as he could in this server. I think he would be a great addition to the sentry team