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A change to stealing blocks (Rule 1.10)


Staff member
We've decided to reverse the rule whereby valuable blocks cannot be stolen if they are part of the structure. This is now legal, but the blocks that you can steal are still limited to: Iron blocks, gold blocks, lapis blocks, diamond blocks, all ore blocks, end stone, enchanting tables, anvils, brewing stands, juke box, item frames and the items inside them.

EDIT: This includes blocks that make up beacons. If you leave an unprotected beacon in the wild, it is fair game to be stolen.
When stating all ore blocks, do you mean every type? I.E., Diamond ore blocks, and Diamond blocks. Quartz ore blocks, and Quartz blocks, etc...
Quartz and redstone blocks should be untouchable, and probably endstone too. Quartz and endstone can make up most or all of large structures, and redstone blocks can be used in redstone machines.
We left the redstone blocks off the list intentionally. In regards to Quartz, the ore blocks may be taken, but not quartz blocks.

As for endstone, it's pretty rare that people have it, and I'd be very surprised to see something large built of endstone that wasn't protected. It's fair game.
By the logic he used with endstone, it seems like it's fair game until the update.

I assume once it can be crafted it's no longer as valuable as endstone.
Item frames I disagree with. If they can be stolen, it makes it pointless to place them. Why would you even bother if they can be knocked off the wall?
Mtndome said:
Item frames I disagree with. If they can be stolen, it makes it pointless to place them. Why would you even bother if they can be knocked off the wall?
You could say the same about placing valuable blocks in the wilderness.
Mtndome said:
Item frames I disagree with. If they can be stolen, it makes it pointless to place them. Why would you even bother if they can be knocked off the wall?

If they're in protection, they can't.
I think brewing stands should be untouchable as they are quite easy to make as long as you have a blaze rod and the fact that they are used in the new brewing plugin as a still.

As for end stone will there be a stronghold in this new map and will we have access to the end to get more end stone/a dragon egg or will it be like befor where it's off limits.
This is why I use dummy blocks in my build, and i would think he would be smart enough to make a hallow lapis lazuli moon.