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Suggestion Ability to heal Conquest Golems with Iron Ingots


Well-Known Member
They'd likely show up when a fight has a specific amount of players in it. The time limit would still be the same I think. The point of the new objective is solely to move players into more than one location, not to prolonge the fight so I don't think it'd be an issue.

Edit: In all fairness though, the new objectives are likely a far way off but will be something that eventually comes.
Would the objectives be different versions of radars or have the mini core fight objective? If we did see this come at all.


Well-Known Member
I could see the cooldown maybe changing from per player to being on the golem, perhaps raised a bit. We'll have a think on it.

It is worth noting that an awful lot of the time I see people go for charges, they're by themselves or maybe have one person near them. There are certainly ways to keep people away from golems and that is not something I often see (lack of kb defenders, etc). If there are two unskilled PvPers healing golems, why not make sure pressuring/killing them is a priority when going for charges?

A lot of things are pretty null and void when a fight is very laggy, and it's understandable that lag certainly advantages golem healing. We are due for some Conquest updates so Maggers and I will review.
i agree wit dis whole heartedly thankering you for acknowledging lag make it no easy very hard near impossible