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About Floating Trees


Staff member
So we're gonna try something to tackle the lack of leaf decay. Starting after the next server restart, any tree log or leaf block that is broken and that is not inside of a Town's protection (+50 blocks) will regenerate after a period of time.

Given the upcoming updates to Industries, people will effectively be able to craft tree logs out of nowhere, so the concept of regenerating trees in the wild shouldn't imbalance anything.

Hopefully this will allow our pristine world to stay pristine and not turn into a floating-tree nightmare after a little while.


Well-Known Member
What about the nomadic people who aren't in a town? Wouldn't aggressively regenerating trees ruin someones base if they built it in a forested area?


Old One
Staff member
Old One
What about the nomadic people who aren't in a town? Wouldn't aggressively regenerating trees ruin someones base if they built it in a forested area?
It is a side effect of this yes. It was the best solution we had. Providing they build around the trees they will be fine, they just cant clear forest to build a home. There are however plenty of treeless biomes so I am hoping this wont become an issue.


Well-Known Member
Is it possible for admins to section off a few selected chunks per request of a nomad so that, if they choose to build in a forest, their build doesn't get ruined? I am only making a stink about this because I am building a little jungle village by the logic of "because I can" and the regenerating trees would ruin it. I intend to use this village for future RP (personal, circle of friends, and hopefully server wide).


Staff member
Is it possible for admins to section off a few selected chunks per request of a nomad so that, if they choose to build in a forest, their build doesn't get ruined? I am only making a stink about this because I am building a little jungle village by the logic of "because I can" and the regenerating trees would ruin it. I intend to use this village for future RP (personal, circle of friends, and hopefully server wide).

My suggestion would just be to ensure you're building around the trees and their leaves and you should be solid.


Well-Known Member
If we could have the non-decaying leaves in areas where leaves have been used on the floor as terrain (eg in roofed forests) that would be swell too. Absolutely not a priority and not sure if it's possible to sort now but it would save pesky holes appearing in the ground in some forests.


Active Member
Adder is right, it's definitely lower in priority at the moment. However, I'll also leave a thought for when it's higher on the list.

Perhaps if there are blocks placed by players in the region a tree is supposed to regrow then either A) it will not regrow at all or B) it will not regrow the tree and leaves wherever there are structures/blocks.