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Abusive Reject Ban Appeal

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Active Member
Username: AbusiveReject

Length of ban: Permanent

Reason for ban: Racist comment towards another player

Why should you get unbanned:

I was banned for toxicity on Loka since I called another player on the server a vulgar and racist slur several months ago. I genuinely am sorry for my behavior and sorry to the staff who had to see the words I said. I do not want to make excuses because I did mess up and take 100% responsibility for it. I am asking for forgiveness, not to forget what happened. I believe that you have to acknowledge your mistakes to grow as a person. I took the initiative to change my behavior, and I think I am now ready to rejoin the community. I am hoping you will see that I have changed and give me the chance to prove that.

The advice that I received on the last appeal I have taken to heart. Magpieman told me that “if we get reports of similar behavior outside of Loka or ban evading before that time, we will no longer consider any further appeals.” I took this very seriously and had been watching my behavior when playing on other servers. During this period, I believe I changed my behavior immensely, both online and in my day-to-day life.

I greatly value the Loka community and dearly miss being apart of it. I want to be able to contribute to this community I love so much in a positive way.
sSteak aka AbusiveReject is an amazing person. When I first joined the server he was always in VC and helping me make my way through Loka whilst banned. He would always help me when help was needed, and would go to to any extent to help a new player of LokaMC. Now that I'm settled into Loka, it would be a dream of mine to play with who I consider my best friend, and create memories on Loka. When sSteak told me what he got banned for I was truly surprised because only knowing him recently, I've never taken him for a guy that would say those words. Please unban my friend, Ssteak.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if I'm being trolled or not but supposedly these slurs were directed against me. Personally, I don't mind since it just got caught in his perma-mute. I understand that the point of the punishment is because he tried but the perm mute exists for a reason and honestly I doubt Steak meant it seriously. +1 from me.


He's actually very nice and i think it would b nice to have him back he's funny everyone makes mistakes
plus 1


Well-Known Member
-1 Your words will reveal what is in your hearts, you cannot unscramble an egg. Furthermore he called me the n word recently.
I'm not sure why you're replying on someone's ban appeal instead of writing your own lol

+1 for Steak, dude obviously wants to play on Loka and would take the server much more seriously since he's been banned for this extended period of time.

Deleted member 1854

I'm not sure why you're replying on someone's ban appeal instead of writing your own lol

+1 for Steak, dude obviously wants to play on Loka and would take the server much more seriously since he's been banned for this extended period of time.
Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters. The very truth hath a colour from the disposition of the utterer.
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