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Suggestion achievement suggestions


Well-Known Member
the alchemist: brew every possible potion

the enchanter: enchant at least one of every possible book

wise decisions: put mending on a hoe

quiet one: dont say anything in chat for 24 hours of playtime

whiny one: say something in chat over 50 times within 10 seconds of dying to another player

participation prize: go an entire conquest fight without killing anyone, dying, or killing a golem, etc

if i cant have it no one can: die in lava while fighting a player in a resource isle

slapper: kill someone in conquest using any kind of meat

the rat: kill a player while invisible during conquest

rat tastic tactics: steal a shulker that someone else placed while invisible during conquest

oops: drop your sword in conquest

free money: pick up a sword that someone dropped in conquest

slideshow: take part of a conquest fight that is very laggy

experimentalist: take part in X unique mutator fights
Interestingly some very similar to these are coming in another batch of achievements or may even be in now 👀. But there are also a good few we hadn't thought of, so keep the good ideas coming 👍.
"Throw Me A Frickin' Bone Here." - bring or kill wolves in conquest.

"You’re Not Missing Anything, Believe Me." - hit a player with an arrow from some distance

"Get In My Belly!" - number of food items consumed.
Lost Fortune: when at the RI, die with lots of diamonds, emeralds, lapis or gold in your inventory.

Death's Tax: die with a bunch of xp

Record Collector: collect all 12 music discs.

Déjà Vu: successfully complete the Dreadfort parkour for a second time, despite having already completed it before.

I'm here guys: hold your lock until the final day of the conquest

Core-llateral: kill another player while carrying a specific number of cores in your pouch.

Skull of steel: kill someone after your helmet just broke

Whither Whacker: defeat the wither on your own, within a certain amount of time

Ace of Arrows: defeat the ender dragon, only using your bow, without a single arrow missing its mark