the alchemist: brew every possible potion
the enchanter: enchant at least one of every possible book
wise decisions: put mending on a hoe
quiet one: dont say anything in chat for 24 hours of playtime
whiny one: say something in chat over 50 times within 10 seconds of dying to another player
participation prize: go an entire conquest fight without killing anyone, dying, or killing a golem, etc
if i cant have it no one can: die in lava while fighting a player in a resource isle
slapper: kill someone in conquest using any kind of meat
the rat: kill a player while invisible during conquest
rat tastic tactics: steal a shulker that someone else placed while invisible during conquest
oops: drop your sword in conquest
free money: pick up a sword that someone dropped in conquest
slideshow: take part of a conquest fight that is very laggy
experimentalist: take part in X unique mutator fights
the enchanter: enchant at least one of every possible book
wise decisions: put mending on a hoe
quiet one: dont say anything in chat for 24 hours of playtime
whiny one: say something in chat over 50 times within 10 seconds of dying to another player
participation prize: go an entire conquest fight without killing anyone, dying, or killing a golem, etc
if i cant have it no one can: die in lava while fighting a player in a resource isle
slapper: kill someone in conquest using any kind of meat
the rat: kill a player while invisible during conquest
rat tastic tactics: steal a shulker that someone else placed while invisible during conquest
oops: drop your sword in conquest
free money: pick up a sword that someone dropped in conquest
slideshow: take part of a conquest fight that is very laggy
experimentalist: take part in X unique mutator fights