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Suggestion achievement suggestions

Brewery Achievements:

All Sobered Up- Recover from drunkenness 5/25/50/100/500/1000 times (5 tiers).
Bottler/Brewer- Brew batches of alcohol 1/25/100/500/1k/5k times (5 tiers).
Brew Master- Brew one set of 5 star brews for each recipe.
DUI- Fly with an elytra while drunk.
DUI Master (Hidden Achievement)- Ride/Fly an Elytra/Pig/Horse/Donkey/Skeleton Horse/Llama/Boat/Minecart while drunk. (You must ride each at least once while drunk to unlock this achievement!)
Blacked Out- Get drunk to the point you get disconnected/“black out” 1/5/25/100/500 times (5 tiers).
Disgusting- Puke a total of 100,000 soul sand blocks while drunk.
Send Him Home- Get drunk in Aladra.
Sir Haymitch Abernathy- Get drunk and blackout during and at a tournament.
Needs AA- Get drunk to the point you blackout on each continent at least once.
Freefalling- While drunk, without moving, stumble off a cliff and fall to your death.
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