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Suggestion Add a Emerald + Queue Time For Asian Players


Well-Known Member
As the asian community gets bigger, I am a deeply sad to see these fellow players lose their sleep just to queue ranked on Loka Minecraft. They have a pretty big community now, I believe our dear asian players can have a Emerald + Queue time for their timezone so they dont have to wake up at 4am to queue rank or stay up till 2. I believe this will effect both communities EU and NA so we dont have to rage after we die to endermans teleporting. This will be very helpful. Please add.


Active Member
+1 whenever I get emerald or above I have to wait until I wake up again to queue ranked. Which does not last for long whatsoever, it closes in about an hour after I wake up.


Active Member
As the asian community gets bigger, I am a deeply sad to see these fellow players lose their sleep just to queue ranked on Loka Minecraft. They have a pretty big community now, I believe our dear asian players can have a Emerald + Queue time for their timezone so they dont have to wake up at 4am to queue rank or stay up till 2. I believe this will effect both communities EU and NA so we dont have to rage after we die to endermans teleporting. This will be very helpful. Please add.
taking the words out of my mouth