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Implement in Future Add convex geometry support to Town Zones


WorldEdit is very powerful and with that power comes a wide variety of those tools and many ways to use them. Loka Utilizes the WorldEdit selection system using the Gold Axe for the creation of town zones using /town zone.

At present, the creation of a town zone will use a cuboid selection created by selecting two opposite corners of a structure.

I suggest that the //sel Poly tool be added to the list of tools available to towns for zoning as it allows for structures to be zoned far more precisely, or with less zones for equal precision. This is due to the fact that the //sel Poly tool is able to select "concave" geometry which means that it can have regions within the larger cuboid that are hollow.

If this were added, I would suggest that at the same time the configuration file of WorldEdit has the value for maxPolygonalPoints raised from 20 to 50.

Below I have attached a set of images to highlight how the Poly selection could make zoning a bit easier and reduce the need for multiple zones when dealing with more complex designs.
Cuboid Selection​
Poly Selection​

Edit: I did not realise that it had been like 3 years since I had posted last on the forums lol
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Well-Known Member
When I was making a town I would of loved this tool. The really good QoL suggestion