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No Plans to Implement Add proximity chat


Active Member
Hello I think if you add Proximity chat in conquest and cove it would be really funny Imagine a person getting 10v1ed and hes screaming in proximity chat would be great please add it all you gotta do is link simple voice chat


Active Member
would be very cool, but it alr got suggested i think 2 times and would require like skuhoo already sad "staff to log all voice packets but even then staff would still get stuck having to listen to tons of audio in order to figure out who in a big gank dropped a slur"


Active Member
would be very cool, but it alr got suggested i think 2 times and would require like skuhoo already sad "staff to log all voice packets but even then staff would still get stuck having to listen to tons of audio in order to figure out who in a big gank dropped a slur"
you are not wrong but They can make a rule about it I mean i dont think people would say really bad things