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Suggestion Adding A Couple More Forum Like Emojis


Well-Known Member
I think having a variety of reaction emojis in addition to the standard we have would be cool. Sometimes the limited reactions may not express correctly what you want to be conveyed correctly sometimes. Just me?


Well-Known Member
Honestly, the nice thing about reactions is how you can pretty quickly get a general view of what people think of a msg, too many reactions and suddenly that's not as easy to see.
It's also nice to see something that isn't purely a straight-up thumbs up or down, the faces available do let you convey a pretty wide range of emotion.
If the reactions can't quite convey how I feel about a post then that's the point where I'd probably just reply to the post anyway, those emotions are just too niche to justify a reaction emoji.

Would like to see a confused reaction :thonkfish: for those times when someone posts something that's difficult to interpret which I've seen happen a bit. Probably a couple of other emojis that might also work super well as reactions but I haven't been able to think of any
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