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Suggestion Air Force control policy not affect Resource Isle


No Fly as a policy is generally used to spite people over grudges, but the issue with it is that it affects the entire server, even in places where you get very niche and barely any advantages like in resource isle.

Resource Isle is already annoying to go to since to get 10k+ you usually spend an hour, and through all that time you have the risk to be ganked and lose all the stuff you spent time grinding. Having elytras disabled in RI severely increases the time you spend in it, especially in Kalros RI and Ascalon RI. Not to mention it’s the main way for new players to get money in the server.

In my opinion if No Fly isn’t getting removed or limited to the other alliances and towns from the same continent, at least RI should be exempt from it.


Well-Known Member
I think this has been brought up before and the response is pretty much always: Don't vote for the alliances that use oppressive policies, or fight against them and take capital yourself


Active Member
Idk. This is kind of the only area where you benefit from this perk, makes ganking at the RI much easier. Ofc u can use it to try and make it more difficult/contest people placing on you, but I have never really seen it used that way effectively.

Although, I don’t play enough to know if RI ganks still happen that often, so it might be better this way.


New Member
I just think it's lame that Garama RI is the only one that's bearable without Elytra. Ascalon and Kalros are just a waste of time when it's no-fly policy due to the terrain inside.