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Implement in Future Airships


Active Member
So the capital policy of airships has become obselete compared to some of these newer ones, and it was only ever valuable because there was nothing else to pick, I'm suggesting we buff it like this:

Allow every town in an alliance to build an airship and when you walk onto an airship (at spawn or in town) you can choose a destination through a chat link or inventory GUI. i.e You can go to Eldritch or Nassau from spawn and when in Eldritch you can go to spawn or Nassau.


Staff member
So the capital policy of airships has become obselete compared to some of these newer ones, and it was only ever valuable because there was nothing else to pick, I'm suggesting we buff it like this:

Allow every town in an alliance to build an airship and when you walk onto an airship (at spawn or in town) you can choose a destination through a chat link or inventory GUI. i.e You can go to Eldritch or Nassau from spawn and when in Eldritch you can go to spawn or Nassau.

It's supposed to work this way actually; it just hasn't been implemented.


Well-Known Member
Either that or you get the airship as an automatic plus for being capitol
I actually like this idea a lot. I don't think its too unreasonable, it's basically just letting people visit each other simpler and helping people when they're getting raided or with building or something. This basically seems fair since it equates to Capitals being able to spend less fire works to go to their allies and to do it much faster.