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Alnh appeal

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+1, i honeslty knows alan like a year ago, never saw him macroing. I think he was nervous in the moment cuz he never got ss'ed. I hope he can get back to play with us, cuz its a wellknowed and loved member of the Hispanic Community.


Active Member
I do play EggWars in a server where macros are allowed and I do had a setting for this, I didn’t thought the
I knew there was something up with how fast you placed blocks on khaothic 💀💀

+1 for the people saying "theres no proof he didnt use it on loka" he literally said in the appeal he accidentally had it on and used them. and tbh i play pot from time to time so im gonna make the assumption that if you're refilling ur inventory and u can already click 9+cps it would be really hard to notice if you have ur macro enabled because 9cps is fast same with a macro. I've had times where i didn't notice a autoclicker cheat was enabled in 1.8 pvp when playing and i wondered for like 40mins why i was playing way better all of a sudden (even tho i can click 12cps) then I noticed my autoclicker was on which is probably what happened to alaan. and like the piruletaas guy said people have gotten a temp ban for macroing so I think he should get one

although you can make the argument that there's no proof it was accidentally used and not intentionally used but you can probably come to a conclusion by checking if this was just the only day he flagged the anti cheat or if its a everyday thing and he just got caught that day + I doubt he would lie in a unban appeal and if its denied for that reason he's gonna say the same thing that it was an accident next appeal lol.


New Member
-1 Staff have stated on multiple occasions that any macros used on Loka would result in a permanent ban. We have denied multiple cases in the past due to this rule and so why should your case be any different than the others we have denied? Not to mention the fact that you lied during a SS and got caught should add that your dishonesty does not help with your appeal, and that you should probably wait a few months before attempting to get a reduction/unban. (Considering you got banned just a few days ago). Regardless of in or out of conquest using Macros IS a permanent bannable offense, and has been stated as such for a long time now.
Don't agree either. Alan has been one of the most influential players in recruitment and the Hispanic community. I'm friends with him since 2018 and played with him multiple competitive gamemodes, and I can give you my word that his story is true and I'll tell you why "his case is any different than others we denied"

First of all Skuhoo didn't caught him using the macros or even found the program. He was caught deleting the recycling bin, which it is bannable. And why having macros on his pc? Because as he mentioned before, he plays other gamemodes, and he plays eggwars in "KhaothicWar", the most competitive eggwars server that some people may know, where macros aren't illegal.
I'm not saying that his little dishonesty doesn't have to be punished, but considering the fact that he's a potential influence in a big part of the community, haven't been toxic or whatsoever, doesn't have any ban/mute history and people who got caught using macros out of conquest were not permabanned.
I think he deserves the consideration to discuss his permanent ban as he claims and all the Hispanic community knows that he doesn't cheat nor break rules in LokaMC.

For me it's a big +1 for him.


Well-Known Member
actually shocks me how many people are +1ing this appeal when he's stated the obvious facts to why his appeal should be denied, he quite simply failed the SS, admitted to doing so and admitted to lying about deleting synapse minutes before the SS "because I knew it was going to be a problem"

I love alann too but cmon guys


Active Member
whether u were aware of the fact u were cheating is irrelevant to bans

this has the same logic as dream admitting to cheating in his speedrun.com-submitted runs and being like "but guys i didnt know the mods that raised blaze rod drop rates and pearl trade rates were on ;-;"

if the cheats are on, ban

if the cheats are not on, no ban

it's not as if you would get banned from Loka just for having Wurst installed on your PC, lying in the SS means that we cant take his words at face value

just dont use cheats on LokaMC gg... -1


Staff member
You uninstalled your mouse macro software and emptied your recycle bin after being frozen. You had also been macroing for nearly a week (including in conquest) before I froze you. If you're going to make an appeal where you apologize for lying you should probably not also lie in that appeal. The ban will remain.
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