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Alyium Royal Wedding: Sky & Skele

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Upcoming Event!
Come join the King and (future) Queen of Alyium as they tie the knot in Alyium! The wedding will be held on Sunday, May 27th, at 6 pm Server time (EST), but be sure to arrive 10-15 minutes prior as we will be starting at that time. The wedding will be held at Alyium, and we ask that all guests arrive at the gate at 7123 ,67, 3434 in Garama. We ask that anyone who plans to be negative or violent there to just not show up, as this is a peaceful event unrelated to PvP or Conquest. Tickets in will cost 2 diamonds in advance or 5 diamonds at the door, but invited towns will not have to pay ticket costs (We will notify the leaders of all invited towns on discord). Gifts for the couple are also appreciated. Also, the official discord being used for the wedding will be: https://discord.gg/yeEvkVW .Other than that, we hope to see you there, and if you have any concerns/questions please comment below!

Welp Missed another one. AT LEAST THIS ONE I WAS TOLD ABOUT and um I knew it was happening just didn't know the date. UNLIKE NOVA'S WEDDING. THANKS FOR INVITING THE CURRENT LEADER OF YOUR ALLIANCE!
Hey man I was the bartender and couldn't even make it. Last minute family things D; I felt bad. Had to have Xlan give them 2 shulkers of alcohol to make it up to them so they at least could drink