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An Update to Industries


Old One
Staff member
Old One
The Industry/Conquest Core Loop
And how it all ties together in a neat little package

There will be a few small changes to industries with the new map. Due to the problems with levelling the market skill, it has been removed for now, a long with the generator skill. The crafting skill has been renamed Construction and is now under Artisan. All industries now unlock at level 20 (was previously 50) Town skills will be grouped into 4 categories as follows:



World PvP


The industries for each skill will work differently depending on what category it is under. Gathering industries will generate resources providing you put the correct tool in the input chest, much like how barns work. When you level that skill you increase the storage of that industry and reduce the amount of tools it consumes. On top of this the more territory generators you have, the more resources your gathering industries will generate. Also to note, the specific resources these gathering industries generate will depend on the biome your town and territory generators are placed in. So choose where you set up wisely.

Artisan industries will be very similar to the current industries on Loka. They will improve the efficiency of crafting along with a few other perks.

Combat skills will not have industries as such but instead provide statues and trophies as rewards for levelling. This will be a great way to show off to other towns.

How industries will work for misc has not been decided but expect more skills to be added to this category in the future, such as quests.

As a result of these changes hoppers will no longer be able to be connected to industry chests as we feel this will make them too strong. Not all the industries will be ready the day we launch but expect them in the coming weeks.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
There will be lots of benefits to levelling each skill higher as that will improve the industry. It should also help towns plan where to put the industries as they should be unlocked earlier in the towns lifespan.


Active Member
Will it be possible to build a town where biomes intersect in order to get the industry benefits from two or three biomes?


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Your town will be classified in the biome the generator is placed on, and the same goes for territories. So no your industries will not benefit from your town being in multiple biomes. However you can still grow by hand different trees or crops in each biome if your town covers more than one so there is a benefit there providing the biomes have different resources.
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Is construction the same as building? There is construction under the Artisan section but building under misc


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Ah I probably didn't explain it very well. Construction is the crafting of blocks such as stairs, slabs etc. Previously this was called crafting and under the building category. Where as the building skill is the placing of blocks.


Well-Known Member
On top of this the more territory generators you have, the more resources your gathering industries will generate.

More as in variety or quantity?

Also will it be fairly easy once we're on the map to determine which biomes have what resources? I'm concerned that it'll take weeks before we figure everything out and be able to carefully consider which biome would be best for us.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
More in quantity. With some industries variety will come with the different biomes your Territory gens cover.

In theory it should be fairly straight forward to work out what biomes have what resources. We haven't done anything crazy with it. Spoiler jungle wood is found in the jungle biome. There are not that many farmable resources in the game which is most likely what will influence where you want to settle. If you find something in a biome it means you can grow it there.