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No Plans to Implement Anarchy Server


New Member
I think it'd be a great idea to add an Anarchy Server on the Hub. I don't know how easy or hard it would be, but I'd think it'd be easier than the complications of making a server with the custom plugins to make conquest.
If you don't know already what an Anarchy Server is, it's a server with no rules, plugins, nothing. Now I do think we should have exceptions to the whole Anarchy thing, we shouldn't have hacking, cause that can cause problems to the other servers and many other complications like that, but allow everything else, X-ray, Exploits, all of that. Plugins might be needed for staff, so they can monitor and make sure no one is hacking, but no plugins to affect the experience of the actual players.


Well-Known Member
This would bring to the server many hackers thinking all of Loka is like that and most likely bring a more toxic community.
I've been on many servers like this in the past and that community is the exact opposite of the kind of community in Loka and I feel the server would not benefit whatsoever in the long run from this.

So much is wrong with this if you want Anarchy maybe there's another world where town protection doesn't exist and its strictly vanilla survival or something?

Even with that its just not Loka its another server all together.



New Member
Well that's why I'm saying have plugins to allow staff to prevent and handle hackers. And well I guess there should be rules about like chat, but what I'm getting at is we should have a server with no physical rules, griefing, stealing, dupeing, xray, all that stuff allowed. Sure it would tick some people off, but a, they're the ones choosing to join, and if they don't like it, move on back to conquest.


Honestly, I kinda like the creativity in such an idea but I think it would come with many negative effects towards the Loka community. For starters, in anarchy servers, players are usually allowed if not encouraged to act horribly to others. This would obviously result in tensions arising between people in Loka and raise toxicity to an all-time high. Sorry to say this, but imma give a -1.


Active Member
I personally think this is a terrible idea and would ruin Loka by increasing toxicity and hacking, (btw, xray is a hack and is illegal on any reasonable server) and I don't think this is what Loka is meant to be. If you want an anarchy server, find one, but please keep it separate from Loka.
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New Member
Hacks affect the server, and the other people around. Examples, kill aura, reach, aimbot, triggerbot, bowaimbot, and the list goes on and on, but a simple texture pack that just messes with the code of the players own view and doesn't affect anyone elses, isn't a true "hack". It is a hack, but not the same kind that would screw everybody up. Anything could be considered a hack, you could count optifine, since it has zoom and the lighting thing with blazerods.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hacks affect the server, and the other people around. Examples, kill aura, reach, aimbot, triggerbot, bowaimbot, and the list goes on and on, but a simple texture pack that just messes with the code of the players own view and doesn't affect anyone elses, isn't a true "hack". It is a hack, but not the same kind that would screw everybody up. Anything could be considered a hack, you could count optifine, since it has zoom and the lighting thing with blazerods.

In addition to the points stated by others above, Loka already doesn't have a "large" playerbase, we generally get about 30-40 players around during the day, maybe 50 or so on weekends or at peak times, and the occasional 70-80 player spike for a reins fight or a similar server-wide event, any idea that splits Loka's already small playerbase is not good for the server, and gets a -1 from me.


New Member
I'm not going to argue the anarchy server anymore, but bat3415, those statistics of how many people are on is totally way off. it's more like 15-25 daily, 30-40 weekends, and 50 for reins and never 70-80.


Staff member
Bat's entire point was that we don't have the playerbase to support two servers, and you responded by saying we have a smaller playerbase than what Bat estimated? :thonk:

The past two weeks we've been averaging a daily peak of over 30 players:

And we've have over 70 players online plenty of times. I mean we've had 100+ player fights so Bat is not wrong about 70-80 players for big server events.


Well-Known Member
I think it'd be a great idea to add an Anarchy Server on the Hub. I don't know how easy or hard it would be, but I'd think it'd be easier than the complications of making a server with the custom plugins to make conquest.
If you don't know already what an Anarchy Server is, it's a server with no rules, plugins, nothing. Now I do think we should have exceptions to the whole Anarchy thing, we shouldn't have hacking, cause that can cause problems to the other servers and many other complications like that, but allow everything else, X-ray, Exploits, all of that. Plugins might be needed for staff, so they can monitor and make sure no one is hacking, but no plugins to affect the experience of the actual players.
Honestly, this is for its own server, attracting hackers (the core of anarchy servers) would not be good for Loka. This is an idea for another time :]