So the purpose of Rivinia is to....? Wasn't it made for smaller alliances to have a chance on Balak? Coalitions don't replace this because in order to form one you need to be on Balak which means it's just the capitals. Why should coalitions just be for capitals who are already strong enough to defeat each other?? I think the top 3 from Rivinia should be able to go to Balak and form a coalition with each other, or with one of the 3 capitals. This way it'll even out the playing field not 2 powers combined into one to take out another.
The purpose of Rivina is to allow smaller towns a chance to fight both neutrals and against other smaller towns. If they have an aggressive capital on their continent they may never get a chance to claim even a neutral. It's important they have somewhere they can take part in conquest, regardless of where they settled their town. Currently each month the current leader on Rivina comes to me and Crypt asking how to lose strength so they don't have to go to Balak.
If we allow Rivina to be a route to Balak it just encourages proxy towns. All that would happen is the big alliances would make a small proxy in order to win Rivina so they can move their players between two continents more freely. This is not only bad for smaller towns on Rivina who would just get destroyed by these experienced fighters but also causes a merry-go-round of town switching (which from the discussions I have had the vast majority of players dislike). In a perfect world, it would be really cool to give a smaller town the chance to join a coalition by winning Rivina, but cheese strats kind of ruin that currently.
As I said in the original post, we are looking at other ways of tackling things and one of those is how to get to Balak. The focus of a lot of our thoughts is how players can do things without feeling like they are forced to switch towns in order to take part in that months conquest. We may try some of these out of the coming months.
We'll post about it as soon as we have 100% confirmed what they will be. The Rivina winner will get a similar pick a policy menu as a capital winner would.When will be able to see what are choices for mini policies/rewards?
Will they show up on /policies?
If these bountiful tiles appear randomly on neutral tiles, what if someone wanted to make a town there or claim territory? I feel like there could've been a better way to do this like adding a certain region (Like an island on each continent) just for bountiful territories rather then them getting in the way of settled towns.
They last for a maximum of 5 days and there can only be one on a continent at a time, so if somebody did desperately want to make a town on that tile they could wait a few days. The odds of this occurring though are incredibly slim. The reason they are on neutrals on the main continent is because it creates variety in the fight locations. More often than not these bountifuls will be on tiles most people have never fought on before and could have some really interesting terrain.