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Artagan applying for Sentry

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Active Member
Age: 15

Current rank: Slicer

Which rank you are applying for: Sentry

What you think is expected of this rank: Helping new players on the server, dealing with rule breakers both in the chat and otherwise, and helping/supporting the higher admins. I also recognize and wholeheartedly accept the expectation that Sentries not abuse what powers they do have. Additionally, I believe Sentries are held to a higher standard in terms of their behavior, and I would strive to maintain that standard in my own actions.

Why you think you should become this rank: I've played on the server for about seven months, being active all the while and contributing to server events. I'm a loyal member of numerous cities, including Cathedral, Asgard, Vorkuta, Solitude, Century, and Yggdrasil. I know a fair amount about server rules and the history behind many of them, as well as server history in general, including lore. I want to become this rank because I have a desire to help new players and deal with the various xrayers, griefers, and spammers who come onto the server. I do not want to be promoted to this rank out of a desire for more power or status, things I couldn't care less about. I don't consider myself the best at anything, and will readily acknowledge the superiority of others in experience and competency.

When you started playing on the server: Early afternoon on April 15th, 2012.

Time zone in relation to GMT: CST

How often do you play (hours a day/week): On average two hours a day, oftentimes more.


Active Member
mopb3 said:
adderman500 said:
Get rid of the signature and i'll consider an opinion



Old One
Staff member
Old One
Sorry but your application has been unsuccessful on this occasion, we had 4 new sentries and felt we didn't not need any more at this time. (you were the last to apply) Please do apply again before the next round of promotions if you wish to be considered again.
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