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Asking for forgiveness

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Well-Known Member
He's paying it back and the extra fees crypt had to pay.
Yeah that's true, it really is between him and crypt I suppose and ofc they'll consider all that when discussing the appeal, I was just taken back when I saw that part.

Ignoring that part, the appeal was pretty solid even if you did compare hard drugs to Loka. A lot of players do come back after being toxic and turn that around :) good luck sayerslayer!


New Member
Hello Fellow Lokans,

I wish to ask for forgiveness and express my regret over the events that I caused leading to my bans, the rumors and lies I've spread since my ban, my alting after my ban, and the overall nuisance I have been to the Lokan community. I also show what I have done to try to amend my relations w/ people I was being terrible too and show an overall change in character.

I will be breaking down everything I have done in detail, apologizing, and try to make my case for a place back into the community by showing the reasons why I was acting off and how I will avoid ever acting similarly if let back in the community.

1. Toxicity

At the core of my ban was my constant toxicity and general standoffish nature with my enemies in loka. Its ridiculous to treat someone poorly over being on the red team instead of blue team in a virtual block game, but I would often act terrible to people based off this and nothing else alone. I would talk behind peoples back, insult others directly, and constantly try to see what I could get away with saying in order to generally be shitty. I would help fuel rumors about me doxxing/ddosing people, even though I never actually have and don't know how to.

This is not who I am in real life or other online communities. I would act like this in loka as apart of some weird mental persona I thought I had going on, LARPing as an evil le lego dictator. I would justify my overall toxicity by thinking "Oh, im epic le evil lego ringo!! >: (!! I must take over Garama and destroy LOAK!111!"

The mental gymnastics that I was doing should not minimize the effect of my overall toxicity towards other people in the community. I was treating people as if they weren't actually people, but fellow people LARPing as other characters in this awful loka headcannon I had going on. I let myself forget that I was dealing with actual people, and acted extremely immaturely as a result.

This shouldn't minimize the real, emotional harm that I have believe I have caused others in the short tenure I've had at Loka. The arrogant, assholic 'character' I was potraying isn't an accurate represtation of who I usually am in real life. As I've mulled over my actions over the months I've been banned, I've realized what a real effect that I've had on people here. I rarely say this about games, but I severely regret my actions. The total effect of my toxicity and onto the community has been insanely negative, and, on an individual basis, I have hurt several others for no actual reason.

Out of everything I have done before and after my ban, the excessive amount of toxicity I have brought to Loka is what I regret the most. I often hear old lokan players remember over the old, chiller days of Loka, and I feel partially responiable for the general degeneration of community camaradie that has felt dead recently.

If I was to be unbanned, I'd be focused on fixing the damage of my previous actions and opening more, positive relationships with others. I have already spent most of my time fixing some of my relationships with members of the community, namely in BITS n WF. I'm friendly with the majority of people that I wasn't on speaking terms with before and will continue to aplogize and move forward with others that I have insulted.

Most importantly, I wish to help contribute to getting rid of the 'toxic waste' that I believe is infecting loka currently that I have polluted it with and open dialogue between each of the major alliances on more cooperative, team efforts instead of petty diviziness. If I am able to mend my current damage and help improve lokas state to where it was before now, I think I can do more good than I have done bad.

2. Alting

Unlike my toxicity, there's no real explaniton for my alting other than me being completely addicted to Loka. Loka is more addictive than hard drugs. I am obviously, like many other hardcore players, extremely addicted to Loka and I cannot get enough. Lame as it is, I felt like I HAD to keep playing. I can't justify the amount of staff time I have wasted in the past few months by alting, and I will stop alting from this point forward, along with providing staff with current VPN bypass locks that work on Loka. I'm completely addicted to Loka, and this is the only reason I've continued to bypass restrictions.

I wish to apologize for wasting immense time from staff to prevent me from joining/investigating alts I had that could've been used to contribute to Loka. I could amend the time wasted on my flagrant rule breaking rules to providing knowledge of how I did it + providing a couple of private security exploits that I am aware of from owning my own server and from others that could help protect Loka overall. I understand that I greatly reduce the chance of my appeal ever being accepted by alting due to the time it wastes from staff, but I think I can contribute enough to the server itself to make up the difference and more given the chance. Ever since Lemon was banned I have stopped alting, with the exception of the accounts CarthagoDelend and Alex_006, which I used tonight to check for some of VPN bypasses that I plan to tell staff about along w/ another few private exploits.

3. Chargebacks

I will be paying any money I chargebacked ASAP along with any extra money crypt wasted in the dispute once I can wire some money back into my main account. I charged back what I believed was the amount I paid for the current orbs in my account but I think I did more, so I'll be paying back the full amount regardless of what happens here.

4. Dos rumors

I was told by a member of staff that there was talk of me doxxing/ddosing. This is the only thing that I have no idea how it started, and have been truly falsely accused of. I will never and have never doxxed or booted someone from Loka or MC, nor have I booted anyone period. The only reason I think this is circulating around me is because of some stuff that happened on EMC a couple years ago. I had sent a picture of a staff's members public photo to someone he was grooming, as he was edating a 13 year old, which greatly disturbed me, and was subsequently banned for ''''doxxing'''' on the server. I also admit that I have helped inflamed these rumors and joked about it to get some 'clout' or 'rep' from it, but I have no knowledge or way to possible dox or ddos someone. I wanted to clear the air about any serious accusations of me doing that. I also did the same with other rumors, saying I was a hacker/duper on loka to fuel epic lego clout. It was dumb and immature and has further clouded my name.

Overall, I wish to ask forgiveness and discuss the total litany of offenses that I've done. I have been toxic, disregarded server rules, and was extremely toxic. In these past months I have drastically turned my attitude around and recognized the overall damage I have created. I hope that I can return eventually to Loka and contribute much more than I have ever taken away. As a leading member of a large player group and a previous server owner, I really think im in a unique position to turn everything around, and make my previous actions a bad memory. I've continuted to spread Loka and get many others into it even when banned, and am heavily involved in lokaTM politics and alliances, which should help indicate a turn for the better and still being interested in the server.

Thanks. I'm truly sorry for I've done and hope that I can still find a place in the best server on MC. My punishment was completely justified but I think I would be able to postively affect loka if given the chance. I'm also so addicted at this point that I may have to start looking to coke to get comparable amounts of dopamine as I used to from LokaTM conquest, and I do not wish to waste that mu Ich money on coke.

tldr: i was acting like a terrible person, but i hopefully can fix more than i have broke. asking for a reduction from a permban to a temp w/ permmute and last warning. Either way, I feel really, really bad for what I've done upon reflection, and hope to be able to personally aplogize to anyone who I have insulted in the past or wasted their time.
+1 i dont even play this server


Hello Fellow Lokans,

I wish to ask for forgiveness and express my regret over the events that I caused leading to my bans, the rumors and lies I've spread since my ban, my alting after my ban, and the overall nuisance I have been to the Lokan community. I also show what I have done to try to amend my relations w/ people I was being terrible too and show an overall change in character.

I will be breaking down everything I have done in detail, apologizing, and try to make my case for a place back into the community by showing the reasons why I was acting off and how I will avoid ever acting similarly if let back in the community.

1. Toxicity

At the core of my ban was my constant toxicity and general standoffish nature with my enemies in loka. Its ridiculous to treat someone poorly over being on the red team instead of blue team in a virtual block game, but I would often act terrible to people based off this and nothing else alone. I would talk behind peoples back, insult others directly, and constantly try to see what I could get away with saying in order to generally be shitty. I would help fuel rumors about me doxxing/ddosing people, even though I never actually have and don't know how to.

This is not who I am in real life or other online communities. I would act like this in loka as apart of some weird mental persona I thought I had going on, LARPing as an evil le lego dictator. I would justify my overall toxicity by thinking "Oh, im epic le evil lego ringo!! >: (!! I must take over Garama and destroy LOAK!111!"

The mental gymnastics that I was doing should not minimize the effect of my overall toxicity towards other people in the community. I was treating people as if they weren't actually people, but fellow people LARPing as other characters in this awful loka headcannon I had going on. I let myself forget that I was dealing with actual people, and acted extremely immaturely as a result.

This shouldn't minimize the real, emotional harm that I have believe I have caused others in the short tenure I've had at Loka. The arrogant, assholic 'character' I was potraying isn't an accurate represtation of who I usually am in real life. As I've mulled over my actions over the months I've been banned, I've realized what a real effect that I've had on people here. I rarely say this about games, but I severely regret my actions. The total effect of my toxicity and onto the community has been insanely negative, and, on an individual basis, I have hurt several others for no actual reason.

Out of everything I have done before and after my ban, the excessive amount of toxicity I have brought to Loka is what I regret the most. I often hear old lokan players remember over the old, chiller days of Loka, and I feel partially responiable for the general degeneration of community camaradie that has felt dead recently.

If I was to be unbanned, I'd be focused on fixing the damage of my previous actions and opening more, positive relationships with others. I have already spent most of my time fixing some of my relationships with members of the community, namely in BITS n WF. I'm friendly with the majority of people that I wasn't on speaking terms with before and will continue to aplogize and move forward with others that I have insulted.

Most importantly, I wish to help contribute to getting rid of the 'toxic waste' that I believe is infecting loka currently that I have polluted it with and open dialogue between each of the major alliances on more cooperative, team efforts instead of petty diviziness. If I am able to mend my current damage and help improve lokas state to where it was before now, I think I can do more good than I have done bad.

2. Alting

Unlike my toxicity, there's no real explaniton for my alting other than me being completely addicted to Loka. Loka is more addictive than hard drugs. I am obviously, like many other hardcore players, extremely addicted to Loka and I cannot get enough. Lame as it is, I felt like I HAD to keep playing. I can't justify the amount of staff time I have wasted in the past few months by alting, and I will stop alting from this point forward, along with providing staff with current VPN bypass locks that work on Loka. I'm completely addicted to Loka, and this is the only reason I've continued to bypass restrictions.

I wish to apologize for wasting immense time from staff to prevent me from joining/investigating alts I had that could've been used to contribute to Loka. I could amend the time wasted on my flagrant rule breaking rules to providing knowledge of how I did it + providing a couple of private security exploits that I am aware of from owning my own server and from others that could help protect Loka overall. I understand that I greatly reduce the chance of my appeal ever being accepted by alting due to the time it wastes from staff, but I think I can contribute enough to the server itself to make up the difference and more given the chance. Ever since Lemon was banned I have stopped alting, with the exception of the accounts CarthagoDelend and Alex_006, which I used tonight to check for some of VPN bypasses that I plan to tell staff about along w/ another few private exploits.

3. Chargebacks

I will be paying any money I chargebacked ASAP along with any extra money crypt wasted in the dispute once I can wire some money back into my main account. I charged back what I believed was the amount I paid for the current orbs in my account but I think I did more, so I'll be paying back the full amount regardless of what happens here.

4. Dos rumors

I was told by a member of staff that there was talk of me doxxing/ddosing. This is the only thing that I have no idea how it started, and have been truly falsely accused of. I will never and have never doxxed or booted someone from Loka or MC, nor have I booted anyone period. The only reason I think this is circulating around me is because of some stuff that happened on EMC a couple years ago. I had sent a picture of a staff's members public photo to someone he was grooming, as he was edating a 13 year old, which greatly disturbed me, and was subsequently banned for ''''doxxing'''' on the server. I also admit that I have helped inflamed these rumors and joked about it to get some 'clout' or 'rep' from it, but I have no knowledge or way to possible dox or ddos someone. I wanted to clear the air about any serious accusations of me doing that. I also did the same with other rumors, saying I was a hacker/duper on loka to fuel epic lego clout. It was dumb and immature and has further clouded my name.

Overall, I wish to ask forgiveness and discuss the total litany of offenses that I've done. I have been toxic, disregarded server rules, and was extremely toxic. In these past months I have drastically turned my attitude around and recognized the overall damage I have created. I hope that I can return eventually to Loka and contribute much more than I have ever taken away. As a leading member of a large player group and a previous server owner, I really think im in a unique position to turn everything around, and make my previous actions a bad memory. I've continuted to spread Loka and get many others into it even when banned, and am heavily involved in lokaTM politics and alliances, which should help indicate a turn for the better and still being interested in the server.

Thanks. I'm truly sorry for I've done and hope that I can still find a place in the best server on MC. My punishment was completely justified but I think I would be able to postively affect loka if given the chance. I'm also so addicted at this point that I may have to start looking to coke to get comparable amounts of dopamine as I used to from LokaTM conquest, and I do not wish to waste that mu Ich money on coke.

tldr: i was acting like a terrible person, but i hopefully can fix more than i have broke. asking for a reduction from a permban to a temp w/ permmute and last warning. Either way, I feel really, really bad for what I've done upon reflection, and hope to be able to personally aplogize to anyone who I have insulted in the past or wasted their time.
+1 been in calls with him he is nice


Well-Known Member
Unlike my toxicity, there's no real explaniton for my alting other than me being completely addicted to Loka. Loka is more addictive than hard drugs. I am obviously, like many other hardcore players, extremely addicted to Loka and I cannot get enough. Lame as it is, I felt like I HAD to keep playing. I can't justify the amount of staff time I have wasted in the past few months by alting, and I will stop alting from this point forward, along with providing staff with current VPN bypass locks that work on Loka. I'm completely addicted to Loka, and this is the only reason I've continued to bypass restrictions.

I wish to apologize for wasting immense time from staff to prevent me from joining/investigating alts I had that could've been used to contribute to Loka. I could amend the time wasted on my flagrant rule breaking rules to providing knowledge of how I did it + providing a couple of private security exploits that I am aware of from owning my own server and from others that could help protect Loka overall. I understand that I greatly reduce the chance of my appeal ever being accepted by alting due to the time it wastes from staff, but I think I can contribute enough to the server itself to make up the difference and more given the chance. Ever since Lemon was banned I have stopped alting, with the exception of the accounts CarthagoDelend and Alex_006, which I used tonight to check for some of VPN bypasses that I plan to tell staff about along w/ another few private exploits.

3. Chargebacks

I will be paying any money I chargebacked ASAP along with any extra money crypt wasted in the dispute once I can wire some money back into my main account. I charged back what I believed was the amount I paid for the current orbs in my account but I think I did more, so I'll be paying back the full amount regardless of what happens here.

4. Dos rumors

I was told by a member of staff that there was talk of me doxxing/ddosing. This is the only thing that I have no idea how it started, and have been truly falsely accused of. I will never and have never doxxed or booted someone from Loka or MC, nor have I booted anyone period. The only reason I think this is circulating around me is because of some stuff that happened on EMC a couple years ago. I had sent a picture of a staff's members public photo to someone he was grooming, as he was edating a 13 year old, which greatly disturbed me, and was subsequently banned for ''''doxxing'''' on the server. I also admit that I have helped inflamed these rumors and joked about it to get some 'clout' or 'rep' from it, but I have no knowledge or way to possible dox or ddos someone. I wanted to clear the air about any serious accusations of me doing that. I also did the same with other rumors, saying I was a hacker/duper on loka to fuel epic lego clout. It was dumb and immature and has further clouded my name.

Overall, I wish to ask forgiveness and discuss the total litany of offenses that I've done. I have been toxic, disregarded server rules, and was extremely toxic. In these past months I have drastically turned my attitude around and recognized the overall damage I have created. I hope that I can return eventually to Loka and contribute much more than I have ever taken away. As a leading member of a large player group and a previous server owner, I really think im in a unique position to turn everything around, and make my previous actions a bad memory. I've continuted to spread Loka and get many others into it even when banned, and am heavily involved in lokaTM politics and alliances, which should help indicate a turn for the better and still being interested in the server.

Thanks. I'm truly sorry for I've done and hope that I can still find a place in the best server on MC. My punishment was completely justified but I think I would be able to postively affect loka if given the chance. I'm also so addicted at this point that I may have to start looking to coke to get comparable amounts of dopamine as I used to from LokaTM conquest, and I do not wish to waste that mu Ich money on coke.

tldr: i was acting like a terrible person, but i hopefully can fix more than i have broke. asking for a reduction from a permban to a temp w/ permmute and last warning. Either way, I feel really, really bad for what I've done upon reflection, and hope to be able to personally aplogize to anyone who I have insulted in the past or wasted their time.
+1. I recently met ringo and he has been extremely nice to me and very chill, im suprised that he did these things but I definitely think he has changed now for the better.


Well-Known Member

To be completely honest Sayre, my first interactions with you on another server were not great. I remember getting so confused by your toxicity towards me and 36s. However, I do believe and will continue to believe in second chances. I think people can and do change based off of their life experiences. This is why you have my support. Apologizing to the community was a great start but you need to right your wrongs with Cryptite. Charging back money hurts the server a lot. If you repay what Loka has lost due to you charging back it would show a lot of growth. If you do get that opportunity you should make sure you are a positive influence on Loka's player base and growth. Best of luck to you moving forward Sayre.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's true, it really is between him and crypt I suppose and ofc they'll consider all that when discussing the appeal, I was just taken back when I saw that part.

Ignoring that part, the appeal was pretty solid even if you did compare hard drugs to Loka. A lot of players do come back after being toxic and turn that around :) good luck sayerslayer!

What Koi said


Well-Known Member
Rq I plan to pay the money back ASAP but I got a hold on my account rn so It's taking longer than I expected. I do not expect this to be read until that happens and I apologize for the delay


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's true, it really is between him and crypt I suppose and ofc they'll consider all that when discussing the appeal, I was just taken back when I saw that part.

Ignoring that part, the appeal was pretty solid even if you did compare hard drugs to Loka. A lot of players do come back after being toxic and turn that around :) good luck sayerslayer!
is he wrong about the comparison though?
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