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Bad Sentry

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Currently Loka has a sentry that I've seen abuse her powers and authority more than I've seen has helped. That Sentry's name is Lazuli73. I know that Loka needs sentries to help moderate the server, but Lazuli73 has repeatedly abused her powers, as well as ignored her duty of enforcing rules when it comes to certain players, yet is quick to /kick when it comes to others. In short, Loka does not need a useless sentry that needs to be corrected/watched over closely by Guardians. Here are a few incidents I have personally seen and experienced. I've provided proof of some of my experiences with Laz, please read the logs before you respond.
The words in blue are the links to the logs, click them.

*Laz's Rage Kick, where she kicks me from the server not for breaking any rules, but abuses her powers because I made her mad. And of course lies about it.

*Laz's Petty Kick, where she kicks me with no prior warning and her brother, the first offender, only after she kicks me. Andre gets on and calls her out.

*Laz's failure to correct another player, her brother, when he was repeatedly cursing, she does not warn, kick or mute her brother. She then lies by claiming that she "yelled at him in real life" when called out by other players and is proven otherwise by a Guardian.

Loka does not need a sentry like Lazuli, there are other actual responsible sentries in the Loka community. Now before you start the "I wouldn't understand" or "Why don't you become a sentry" game or mention that I'm a raider in the server, keep in mind that I know I am not going to strive to be become a Sentry, because I never want to be a Sentry. Point blank truth. Although becoming a Sentry is not in my to-do-list, I know a lying power abuser is not a good fit for Loka.
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I should wait til I'm awake and thinking to respond... Don't wanna say anything I'll regret.
As much as I can understand the sentiment this was not the place to bring up such an issue Ivette. Should have asked crypt, me or another higher up admin to discuss it behind the scenes.
Wow , Laz.. I was kicked once by Lazuli73, but it was because I was really mad and started typing Caps in Town Chat. I never knew it would come down to this with Laz.. :eek:o_O
Okay everyone can agree that i am the shittiest sentry this side of Loka. Fine, I don't care anymore. Stirp me of my rank, ban me, do what ever the hell you want. Just saying that maybe i am not the abuser, maybe i have every right to do what ever i can to try and stop you from bulling me.

You may think you are better then me, but there is one thing i will have that you will never have. You know what that is, pride. The pride that i know that whatever i do feels right. Sorry i am not the type to shoot first and ask questions later. Sorry you dont agree with my style of being a sentry; letting the storm blow over and assess the situation.

You know i think i am about done with all this. Maybe i should just find a new server and start over as i am going crazy with all the rage and hate i have built up inside. You know i wanted to try and ride it out, not give up, but there is no other choice for me.
Hope you are happy cause you just lost active member of this once great server.
i have every right to do what ever i can to try and stop you from bulling me.

You do realize that you have been abusing your powers before we "bullied" you. As shown here and here.

Sorry i am not the type to shoot first and ask questions later. Sorry you dont agree with my style of being a sentry; letting the storm blow over and assess the situation.

Thing is you're not the type to "shoot first and ask questions later", you're the type to shoot first without giving warnings like your supposed to as your job as sentry requires you to, or not shoot when you're supposed to at all.
As seen here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mgEmBuihW2qgqDtffaqbRttZs_PWUZLYgCNzcD_TDPQ/edit?usp=sharing and here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nZb1AuXb1CZnhSFLMG82LMrT3mjJ3rsq6kwzmYq3qYo/edit?usp=sharing

You know i think i am about done with all this. Maybe i should just find a new server and start over as i am going crazy with all the rage and hate i have built up inside. You know i wanted to try and ride it out, not give up, but there is no other choice for me.
Hope you are happy cause you just lost active member of this once great server.

To be honest, I don't care if you leave Loka. My issue here is that you're a sentry, even though you're terrible at your job. If you want to try to earn pity points by throwing a fit, go ahead, but I am completely unaffected by it.
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To clarify, I feel the points that needed making are made and this thread has the very likely potential to devolve into a state where nothing further constructive will be said.

It's for that reason that I'm locking this thread and it is not intended to be an indication of 'taking anybody's side'.
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