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Ban Appeal (CashmereCats)


New Member
Ok so i don't have the slightest clue how this happened, but I think its an unfair assumption and i would like my account unbanned.

As everyone knows and has harassed me about, I am AfricanPenguins brother and have done nothing wrong, all i want to do is play the game. I Constantly have players making false accusations about me being an alt, while this is not true.

I was just playing tonight talking to someone about a past event, when i get banned for "AfricanPenguin's alt and language". To start this off id like to say i'm not an alt, so that is not true, and for the language and rudeness I expressed in Private message, i am sorry.

I feel the main, and probably only reason i got banned, is "being an alt" which is not true, which i have no ability to prove wrong but you have no proof it is true. What happened until innocent until proven guilty? I'm not saying this to be rude to the admin team, but i think this is unfair.

I would ask you to please reconsider, and if you do so choose to unban me, I would be forever grateful.
Thanks for your time


Active Member
I don't think what Cashmere did was so horrible it deserved a ban. I have a suspicion that nobody was truly offended by his usage of profanities but rather were more interested in getting him into trouble.
Xraying and swearing have been pardoned before. Cashmere is certainly not the biggest troll on the server, just the one with the least connections to veteran players.
If he is never allowed back, Loka will be lacking an important part of the game for me and others who have come to know CashmereCats


Active Member
"being an alt" which is not true, which i have no ability to prove wrong but you have no proof it is true.
There is a way to see if your an alt or if AfricanPenguins has logged onto your account before or recently, but it's just 50/50. We can't be for sure if your an alt of him unless you somehow prove it.


Active Member
This has Penguins written all over it. :)

Question: Did CashmereCats show up on the server--in this new world--only after Penguins was banned? Were they ever on, in the new world, at the same time?


Well-Known Member
Bro I really think that cashmerecats is his brother because Africanenguins posted on the new world thread that he supports having alts for the reason that he has a brother that has played while Africanpenguins where on and where both active. I think you shouldn't come to the assumption that cashmerecats is in fact Africanpenguins. then ban him just for profanity in which many other people have done before, I mean the X-ray thing is not right but don't just punish him for cussing.


Active Member
Bro I really think that cashmerecats is his brother because Africanenguins posted on the new world thread that he supports having alts for the reason that he has a brother that has played while Africanpenguins where on and where both active. I think you shouldn't come to the assumption that cashmerecats is in fact Africanpenguins. then ban him just for profanity in which many other people have done before, I mean the X-ray thing is not right but don't just punish him for cussing.

Problem with this is cashmere and African have never been on at the same time. If this is true, of course African would support alts, not because his "brother" plays but because he needs a way out in case he gets banned. I've likely been banned more than anyone else on this server, I can tell you that making frequent offenses increases your chance of getting banned. Profanity was not the problem here, it was excessive, just as it was in my case.


Staff member
It would seem strange for African to have a brother who seems only interested in playing on Loka after his brother was banned and thus they wouldn't be able to play together.

Additionally, African has a handful of past offenses for which he has been banned before. African has clearly demonstrated a callous disregard for our rules both in terms of multiple XRay offenses and language warnings.


New Member
I would personally love to get in a skype call with you crypt and explain everything with my brother, yet he has a job on week nights and school all day and i have a bed time of 10pm sharp, so until friday around 1030 when he gets home i would love to clear all this up and prove or disprove anything i can.


New Member
And if i could say, Although my brother has messed up alot of things, you do see the good he has or has tryed to do? Firstly, this is real straight forward, he donated 15 dollars, why? not because he thought it made a get out of jail free card, but because he loves this server, and as do i. Secondly, when things got stale, who was up all night trying to get a war going for the entertainment of the majority of the server. Thirdly, he tryed to make friends while he could, yet never seemed to connect with the more favored players of loka due to the fact that he was trying to start wars with them to benefit you all. I don't think he should be unbanned, he has gotten enough second chances, and enough of them at home too, but i do think it is unjust to ban me because of his nonsense


Well-Known Member
You can push and pull this all day. African does in fact have a brother, though I personally don't believe Cashmere is him. Who would stop him from having his brother log in to that account while he logs onto another one though? Same with TeamSpeak. It would be incredibly difficult to prove beyond all doubt that CashmereCats is not AfricanPenguins so it comes down to Crypt's and the other admin's judgements.


New Member
Also zor, i was lunar squirtle when i was in your town and played actively back in the days, but then changed to merry easter, and now cashemere cats. im sure theres some way to verify that


Well-Known Member
Ah so you are Lunar. I checked /lookup and a couple name history websites and it only went as far back as MerryEaster. Checked another one and this one verifies.

Well in that case I do believe that Cashmere is not, at least all the time, African. He was a member of Avarice for a time and did sometimes play at the same time as African. Still it's very difficult to verify that he is not currently African or never was African so it still comes down to Crypt's call.


New Member
Well crypt or any admin for that matter, like i said earlier, I'll be happy to call any of you friday night. My brother and I can and will explain as much as we remember so we can set the record straight


New Member
Just another little smidge of info that might explain abit, the reason back in the days african and i werent on at the same time often was because we are forced to use the family pc as we don't have our own. Those short and rare times that you did catch us both online, which for one was hard because of our terrible internet, and for two we had to borrow my dads pc whenever we did. Now as those of you who know me irl know, i have very strict parents and that can explain why I was grounded on friday for a very poor grade on a test which i can provide a "report/verify" on, so i wasnt able to play right at the start of the server, much to my disliking.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I see what you mean my wife uses the computer a LOT and my son as well, for the past 5 years, I have finally opened up and started playing on servers like a year ago and finally settled in this small town where we have more time to spend with family and (to be social online), the reason I have ever even here'd of Loka was from looking for texture pack for a server that I have recently found at the time, I was going across the screen and accidentally pressed a link from MC wiki that brang me to the wonderful world I have come to know and love today. LOKA <3 :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah I see what you mean my wife uses the computer a LOT and my son as well, for the past 5 years, I have finally opened up and started playing on servers like a year ago and finally settled in this small town where we have more time to spend with family and (to be social online), the reason I have ever even here'd of Loka was from looking for texture pack for a server that I have recently found at the time, I was going across the screen and accidentally pressed a link from MC wiki that brang me to the wonderful world I have come to know and love today. LOKA <3 :D
and that's my story id love to hear yours (msg me on forums) :)