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Rejected Better Third Person


Well-Known Member
Name: Better Third Person
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-third-person
Description: It allows you to freely rotate the player's view for 360 degrees, walking in 8 directions without changing camera rotation, still allows you to place, break, and use items in third person, and provides complete freedom of the camera when moving.
Reason: It is helpful when you are trying to look at buildings/builds from multiple viewpoints. It's also a relatively fair-use version of Freecam with significant limitations (Being as you can only view the typical range of 3rd person).


Staff member
We have Lunar's freelook disabled and as far as I'm aware that just lets you look around. This mod goes further by allowing you to also interact with blocks and items while in freelook which would allow someone to do cheaty things like cobwebbing the person chasing them in an instant.