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Bleedie for Slicer

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Active Member
People about to respond this person name Bleedric now known as Bleedie is VERY entitled leaving an alliance over someone not getting cash ranned (PigEars)


New Member
Leaving the alliance wasn’t is no problem it’s the interactions we had throughout the month
Left alliance because we wouldn’t cash run someone yea that’s weird
People about to respond this person name Bleedric now known as Bleedie is VERY entitled leaving an alliance over someone not getting cash ranned (PigEars)
-1 definetly not super weird kid

if you have an issue with me, message me on discord?


Well-Known Member
-1ing because she left an alliance, seems like a fair reason right? if she didnt leave it all of this would've been +1s.
I do not get why they are so mad. pigears was TKing and it was not fun being in an alliance w him + other things and toxicity going on so she said she would leave if that kept happening. They chose to keep him which is fine and she left like she said she would so I dont get what the big deal is NGL. I think it says alot about the toxicity in the alliance that after nymoria and astro left tracks reaction to it got him banned because of the crazy stuff he said
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