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Suggestion Bring kb Back to Cove


-1 Cove is meant for 1v1s and 1v1s while being kb mainhanded is not fun and u can just kite easily with kb swords cause u can pearl on top of a mountain and just kb someone off it makes 1v1s more fun without being kb mainhanded and if you want to fight with kb and do ganks/teamfights with kb just go to normal zyre and not zyre cove.
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New Member
-1 dont bring KB back on cove

if you want to use kb in ganks go zyre i dont see the problem.


Active Member
33 percent damage increase
& crystals nerf & shields nerf & webbed bola & turtle master removed & minecarts & dbr
maybe bring back kb1 but I don't know how annoying it is to fight people who mainhand kb1
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Active Member
-1 Cove is meant for 1v1s and 1v1s while being kb mainhanded is not fun and u can just kite easily with kb swords cause u can pearl on top of a mountain and just kb someone off it makes 1v1s more fun without being kb mainhanded and if you want to fight with kb and do ganks/teamfights with kb just go to normal zyre and not zyre cove.
actually i think /duel is meant for 1v1s not cove


-1 I think needing kb is a skill issue. No offense but if you want it back clearly u rely on it too much. I think loka should be gank people to death wtihout them hitting you away its gank isle not kb simulator


Well-Known Member
-1 kiting is also dependent on skill, not just luck. You have to know how to kite, how to pearl, how to hit good pearls, which I see a lot of people failing to do, and you have to have gamesense, such as to not stay on the first layer, go in water, etc. Ive seen people get absolutely obliterated by 2 people even though theres no way to kb train, and Ive seen people kite from 6 people without being able to kb them away.

If you need kb in a 1v1, thats a skill issue
Removing kb from Cove is possibly one of the stupidest things done and the reason for it is even more dumb. Cove is in no way a "Survival Proving Grounds", there are many things that differentiate it being, ganks, debuffs, shulkers, bringing blocks, echests, literal pearls, shields, the terrain in general, and im sure many more things. Using this as a reason to remove kb is absolutely braindead, if people wanna 1v1, go ahead, but because in a 1v1 you dont like a feature thats not even particularly broken, unfair, or outside the realm of the gamemode (I.e. Crystals and Shields) doesn't mean it should be removed. Apart from the fact of 1v1s, kb was integral to another huge part of cove, the server, and game mode as a whole, Team fights. Team fights used kb quite a ton to boost friendlies on to opponents to more efficiently kill them, with kb gone, kiting will become a huge issue and overall lower the skill ceiling on cove as a whole. If you do wanna stick with this "Survival Proving Grounds" attitude then maybe we should remove every feature listed above to truly round out the experience! All in all, this is a dumb change that people who cant deal with like, kb is integral to this server and especially cove, cove is a place for creativity in the gamemode and the pvp that comes with it to flourish, not a glorified prac arena. #FreeKB

is "Survival Proving Grounds" and effectively everyone treats it as such.
incredibly untrue

Official post Loka can make to accurately make cove the haven of 1v1s and the true "Survival Proving Grounds"
*Hi Loka, We have decided to remove "Webs", it goes against the core of cove being the "Survival Proving Grounds" everyone sees at as. Ok everyone, Go forth!
*Hi Loka, We have decided to remove mining and building with blocks on cove, we believe that "Gank Holes" inherently go against the core of the "Survival Proving Grounds" experience that we would like to provide. Ok everyone, Go Forth!
*Hi Loka, We have decided to remove "Pearls" on cove, we believe that "Pearls" go against the heart of cove and the "Survival Proving Grounds" experience. Ok everyone, Go forth!
Umm ermmm 🤔 aren’t you like #1 kb mainhander?? Also have you killed anyone since kb was taken away??