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Bring the end back?

Psychedelic98 said:
That is, if we get the end. There seem to be a few people against it, why? The only ones speaking up about it are those who want it.

Well as I said, it's either pearls or the End. We can't have both because the combination would be OP. I vote for pearls.
Zor95 said:
Well as I said, it's either pearls or the End. We can't have both because the combination would be OP. I vote for pearls.

I agree, Pearls seem to be the better option.

Or you could disable enderman spawning in the End and just have it as a dragon battlefield.
I do prefer pearls over the end, the only reasons I are for the end are enderdragon and end stone so I'd be fine with disabling enderman spawning in the end if that's an option.
thelineguy said:
Or you could disable enderman spawning in the End and just have it as a dragon battlefield.

That's rather what was being discussed among the admins. We hadn't considered bringing the dragon back, though. Seems like dragon eggs wouldn't be rare anymore.
Cryptite said:
thelineguy said:
Or you could disable enderman spawning in the End and just have it as a dragon battlefield.

That's rather what was being discussed among the admins. We hadn't considered bringing the dragon back, though. Seems like dragon eggs wouldn't be rare anymore.
I think I have an idea, I shall post in the admin forums.
Cryptite said:
thelineguy said:
Or you could disable enderman spawning in the End and just have it as a dragon battlefield.

That's rather what was being discussed among the admins. We hadn't considered bringing the dragon back, though. Seems like dragon eggs wouldn't be rare anymore.
I posted earlier that it should only have a chance of dropping an egg, like 10-30 percent is what I had in mind. That coupled with monthly spawning would keep them rare.
If we have the end back, I'd just prefer it to be just the island and a bit more free space for building, like giant castles in the void and nonsense like that. That'd be cool.
I am torn on this suggestion.

I want dragon eggs and endstone to keep there value.
I would prefer ender pearls enabled.

My thought would be to ONLY make it a dragon battle field.
Disable egg drops completely or Maybe 2%, disable endermen spawning, and fully world guard the place.

We will make endstone worthless if anyone can go and get it
You could WG the place if the healing crystals don't respawn whenever the dragon does. It would be incredibly difficult to destroy them all from the ground.
To be fair, as long as nobody pulls a Lolo, I'm find with the End coming back.
We could keep Enderman and change their drops. What could they drop?

Although it would have to be possible to only apply that change to the End...
Would it be easier to just wipe the enderpearls upon leaving the end and replace them? And for the record I'm against WG in the end to prevent endstone collection. Ender dragon fights benefit a small set of people, while endstone is a benefit to most people.
My Thoughts:

Endermen: Have a chance to drop end-stone instead of pearls.

Ender Dragon: Have it a 5% chance for the egg so its inline with other mob heads.

Reason why endermen's drop change so you can world guard the whole area but you still have a source of endstone.

Not a bad idea however i dont feel that would provide people with enough endstone, its a great block to build with and while i dont want it to become the new cobble, your idea would make it too rare.
Magpieman said:
Not a bad idea however i dont feel that would provide people with enough endstone, its a great block to build with and while i dont want it to become the new cobble, your idea would make it too rare.

Oh please... End Stone is far more hideous than cobble.
Opyc said:
My Thoughts:

Endermen: Have a chance to drop end-stone instead of pearls.

Ender Dragon: Have it a 5% chance for the egg so its inline with other mob heads.

Reason why endermen's drop change so you can world guard the whole area but you still have a source of endstone.

All good other than the end stone only being a drop. I think the dragon egg drop should be slightly higher than heads as you can't farm the dragon.
adderman500 said:
Opyc said:
My Thoughts:

Endermen: Have a chance to drop end-stone instead of pearls.

Ender Dragon: Have it a 5% chance for the egg so its inline with other mob heads.

Reason why endermen's drop change so you can world guard the whole area but you still have a source of endstone.

All good other than the end stone only being a drop. I think the dragon egg drop should be slightly higher than heads as you can't farm the dragon.

Dragon eggs should remain rare an unobtainable. What happens if they gain a purpose such as hatching into another dragon?