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Bring the end back?

On dragon eggs a 5-10% drop rate and monthly spawning means around 1 per year, so they're still very rare. On endstone it is a block that is fairly common in vanilla minecraft. Really if you want more collectibles you should take it up with Mojang.
Psychedelic98 said:
Really if you want more collectibles you should take it up with Mojang.


But in all seriousness, certain items that we already have in this version of MC could be used as rare commodities, as we have seen with the sponges, and partially,Chiseled Stone, since we can only find it in jungle biomes, and even then, Jungle Temples don't appear in every jungle. I don't know what else we could possibly use, but it's just a thought.
I heard lolo has chests of it. He has given it away at spawn before. Endstone is not meant to be a super rare block it is. Meant to be mildly hard to get but no more.
Psychedelic98 said:
I heard lolo has chests of it. He has given it away at spawn before. Endstone is not meant to be a super rare block it is. Meant to be mildly hard to get but no more.

He had approximately 8 double chests of it which has gone missing. Besides that there is another 2 double chests floating between towns, although every week I'm sure pieces of that is lost. So it's only getting rarer.
Lolo isn't really one to "give" away endstone. Scoot and I begged to buy some from him for several diamonds. Only to be turned down.
I am with psy here, it is supposed to be common. We need to help out the builders on this server too, so giving them another block to use can only be a good thing. Obviously there needs to be some restrictions or difficulties in collecting it.
Magpieman said:
I am with psy here, it is supposed to be common. We need to help out the builders on this server too, so giving them another block to use can only be a good thing. Obviously there needs to be some restrictions or difficulties in collecting it.

Common-ish. There is a limited supply of it in the End. Once that is gone there is no more.
Psychedelic98 said:
The semi rarity lies in the fact of the difficulty in taking trips to the end.

And it's a rather hard block to mine which takes forever without Effi.